
BigD17's sketchbook

Here is another bust I did just for practice. I was watching Tim Burton’s “Sleepy Hollow” and decided that I was going to try and sculpt Christopher Walken. Ended up making an older version of him rather than his Headless Horseman character. This is the second time I have tried to do a likeness so would be interested to know what people think. C&C’s welcome as ever.


Cool thread!
I immediately recognized Christopher Walken …

Derek Frenzo - Thanks, Glad you like them.

asecbrush - Thanks, glad you recognised him, that is a good start I guess :smiley:

A bit more practising, I decided to have a go at sculpting War from the Darksiders game. I am a massive Joe Madureira fan so it seemed like the perfect subject. I tried to make it pretty loose and not spend too much time on the separate details. It is by no means finished but I am quite liking how it is going. Might carry on… we will see. C&C’s welcome as always.

i didnt need to read ur comment to know who he is :wink: good start.

Neither did I! Can’t wait to see you finish it! :wink:

Thanks shulinchung & Silo, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. :smiley: I am sure it won’t be the last likeness I attempt, really enjoyed the challenge.

This was the product of a 3 week course on CGSociety taught by Bryan Wynia. The idea was to read the H P Lovecraft novella “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” which describes a sea dwelling race of creatures known as the Deep Ones. They have transformed from humans into something that looks both frog and fish like. We learnt a lot about Bryan’s workflow and techniques. Unfortunately, work and deadlines got in the way a little so i didn’t spend nearly as much time as I should have on this. Having said that I was pretty pleased with the result.

C & C’s welcome as always.


Thanks shulinchung & Silo, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. :smiley: I am sure it won’t be the last likeness I attempt, really enjoyed the challenge.



Just a quick speed sculpt I did whilst experimenting with some UI adjustments. Made very quickly using Dynamesh. Hope you like. C&C’s welcome as ever.


Fantastic sketchbook, very inspiring!:+1:
Some great sculpts in here!
Looking forward seeing more from you!
Cheers and happy sculpting,

  • Kenny:)

Thanks KC-Production!!!

This is the first time I have tried to use the timelapse function. Really enjoyed watching it back so will definitely try and do some more. Let me know what you think.

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/39025469” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder=“0” height=“308” width=“500”></iframe>



great style!

I thought I recognized that old flathead, J. Jonah Jameson! That guy has given me no end of trouble! Nice sculpt! :+1:

fantastic style

ps- where does one enable the time lapse function?

great job! loved watching the video!

Moga - Thanks!!
Webhead - Haha!! Thanks!! The angry face is probably due to one of your antics.
mattinabox - Thanks!! The timelapse feature is in the movie panel. It is really easy, I literally just pressed on button and started sculpting. It’s very cool.
DustyDeWD - Thanks!!

I Just thought I would throw a bit of colour at Jonah. More for practice than anything else. Also did a little bit of post in Photoshop. Can’t help it after the Bryan Wynia course :smiley:


Really enjoyed looking through this whole thread, and your J Jonah is terrific! Very animated! If pressed to give one criticism, I would suggest taking some of the purple out of his eyes and de-saturating them a bit. :slight_smile:

Edit: By the way, just wanted to give special mention to your shark man: I know it’s an old piece at this point, but I just laid eyes on it recently for the first time, and wanted to say that I love it! I usually find that sort of design kind of silly and childlike, like some Masters of the Universe toy or something, but you made it so much cooler than that. I love the skin! And you somehow managed to hybridize a shark and a man without it looking overly cartoonish!

Very impressive, and I love his gear, too. Good costume design is storytelling, and there’s definitely a story behind what this character is wearing!

Great version of JJJ! I can hear him yell “PARKER!” – higher praise I cannot give. :+1:

SwampGhost - Thanks very much, I really appreciate your comments. To be honest I am still kind of tweaking the Sharkman to give it extra realism. Not making huge changes though and will be posting the update soon. Hope I haven’t ruined it. I think you are right about the eyes. I’ll adjust it in the comp, Thanks again.

Pixolshaper - Thanks very much.

Here is another timelapse bust sculpt, this time of The Rhino, again from Spiderman … bit of a theme developing :smiley:

I am really enjoying making these vids. You learn loads from watching your work back. I still think that I noodle about too much and need to improve my speed by being looser at the start. All good practice though.

C&C’s welcome as always.

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/39237601” width=“500” height=“350” frameborder=“0” webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>



thumbs up :smiley:

Really well done. :+1: It appears you use the clay brush for your cloth too. Would I be correct in assuming that?

kaisasose - Thanks, yeah I used a combination of clay buildup, which was my main sculpting brush, along with the standard brush for the smaller tighter wrinkles. SOrry it took me so long to reply to your comment.

Piggy - Thanks!!

Its’ been a pretty busy time at work so haven’t been able to work on my projects as much as I’d like. I am finally getting to the end of a sculpt I started and a test bust which then grew into a full character … pretty much like most of my pieces, they all seem to grow legs (bad joke).

Anywho, here is a character sheet of my latest model. It is a likeness of Ray Lamontagne. The model was started way before fibre mesh hence the sculpted hair and beard. Might try and give him some proper hair in 3D.

C & C’s would be greatly appreciated as always.
