
BigD17's sketchbook

I decided to have a break from the Anubis model and try a quick speed sculpt from a sphere.

C & C welcome as ever.


I have added a few more bits to Anubis’ armour so I thought I would post an update and see what people thought. I have a feeling that some of the armour doesn’t seem to belong to the same family.

At any rate, any comments and crits would really be appreciated.



he looks great…armour seems fine.Maybe the straps make it look out of place…

Well it has been a very long time since my last post.

I have been pretty tied up with work for the last few months but have found a few moments to noodle about with ZBrush.

This model started life, as most of my personal pieces do, as a quick lunch time sketch. I was trying to learn somemore about the ZSpheres 2. Anyway, it grew into what you see here.

I sculpted the model without using reference so I know that the hands and feet are wrong but as it was just a doodle I carried on. As for the costume, I don’t really know what i was thinking … :smiley:

These images were rendered out of XSI with mental ray.

Crits and comments welcome as always.



[Yoda.001 copy.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘202760’,‘Yoda.055%20copy.jpg’,1,0))


Yoda.055 copy.jpg

Wrong this Yodagram is, on so many levels!

Here is another personal project that has been put together during a few lunchtimes and evenings.

Hoping to get it rigged up so I can play around with the pose a bit.

Comments and crits would be appreciated.





Shark-man is great! Would be nice to see more definition in the edge between the light and dark skin? and cuts in the skin showing a little of the blubber & flesh beneath? great job, really nice work :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

RawSunlight - Thanks for your comments on both my latest models. I will have a play around with the contrast between the skin colours and look to add in some flesh in some of the deeper slash areas. Thanks again!!

Cool! I really like your shark man! he reminds me of the old ‘Street Sharks’ cartoon. StreetSharks

I look forward to seeing more of your work!

Shark-man is a really interesting concept :). Good execution. Would love to see a posed, presentation render with nice lighting. Cool stuff!

Nice stuff, the shark dude reminds of the type of toys they use to make in the early 90s.

I liked all of ur characters, they have all the creativity and essence of their soul in it… For eg. shark has the fierce biting nature in it,
Yoda is funny and more funny with ur costume and anubis looks straight walkied out from an egyption pillar.
Great sculpts and works here!

Right!! It has been absolutely ages since my last post but I have finally gotten around to doing a presentation render of the Shark Man I started quite some time ago.

I put this together almost on the fly so I would love some comments and crits on the composition as well as the model.

Anyway, here it is. Look forward the feedback.



Looking awesome … perhaps a tad to dark. Love to see a bigger render. Keep up the great work! :smiley:

Thanks Chalkman. Will have a play around with the levels and see what I come up with.

Just to add to my sketch book a little more, here are a couple of doodle sculpts I have done recently.

C&C’s welcome as ever.


Right … so I have made a few tweaks tot the comp and changed a few levels and added a bit of tattoo detail. I think for now its is done… I say that but I will probably keep fiddling. Anyway, here is the latest render along with a couple of turnaround shots.

C & C’s welcome as ever.


Looking good. Love the mood.

Maybe less shaper shadow, and some footprint behind him :wink:

To top it of, you could measure the color range of the background, and use that for you’re character render. Now its a bit off, cant put my finger on it.
Think its the color range, but its just a guess.

now dont wait a year to post :wink:

Right on the money! Opening it up a bit really does the character justice and the addition of the tattoos is the icing on the cake! 5*'s :lol:

Cheers, David :smiley:

Ivo Diependaal - OK you’ve convinced me. I’ll take another look at it. Think you are right about the shadows.

Chalkman - Thanks!!

Just as a little addition here is another bust sculpt I did from a generic head base mesh. I kind of had Mr Burns in my head while I was doing this one but didn’t use any reference. Let me know what you think.


Good looking bust. I like the expression! In fact, I like all the busts.