
Benedict Cumberbatch Portrait

Hey everyone,
Here’s my final artwork of Benedict Cumberbatch.
Thanks for your support @khoi nguyen

  • All sculpting and texturing of the head was done in zbrush & Substance Painter making details in Zbrush, then import lowpoly with displacment maps into Maya for Arnold rendering. Hair and fur are made with xgen.
  • Clothes and armor were sculpted in zbrush and use procedural shaders in Maya.



amazing work!.

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thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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Beautiful work… The sculpt and likeness are amazing.

My only misgiving is the sharpness of the limbus, the border between the cornea and the sclera. It is naturally a soft transition, and making it super sharp gives a stylized feel…

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Bald Benedict would make a great Lex Luthor.

Good job likeness. Very nice :+1::innocent: