

Here is the evolution of Kakuna, Beedrill or Dardagnan for the frenchies. I did it my way, like always when I do my redesign of Pokemon. I decided to make the texture and polypainting like a Paper wasp. It was annoying by the dark strippes and preferred to use a something different. I think at the end that make it more unique :slight_smile: cheers!


I would not like to get stung by that thing. Nice work!

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Ahaha me neither ^^ thank you mate!

That’s lovely. Love the weight shifts and movement captured :+1:

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Hey mate! thank you very much! Glad you appreciated those lil details :wink:

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Love what you’ve done to the body, you get a sense of the power, I miss larger wings though :wink:

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:metal: :cowboy_hat_face: fantastic job dear abby :ok_hand:

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Thank you @Jaime! much appreciated. everyone is asking if i did it in Substance, but all done with polypaint! ahah :slight_smile: cheers Monsieur Labelle

Thank you @kiarash.tamizkar! glad to hear you like it :slight_smile:

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Great work as always Mickael!!! It looks so powerfull! :clap:

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Thank you very much @nilbertoTawata!!! cheeeers mate!

Fantastic as usual… I could tell it was yours from the thumbnail.

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@Braddock Ahah thank you so much Paul!! Means so much from you :slight_smile: