
Basketball Pav

I made an Intro to ZBrush series for ArtStation learning and never really…posted anything about it. Better late than never I guess??

CloudySoft closeupSquare


Your investment into ZBrush learners is irreplaceable. I know I Can’t Thank You Enough! :pray:


100 per cent agree with Jay_Peace

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@Pavlovich Thank you for being so generous to share your knowledge with us! All of your videos are a great help.

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Really cool character!

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Agree with all of the above and more…thank you for sharing your in-depth knowledge with the community!

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I agree with other folks… I honestly can’t imagine myself personally getting into ZBrush (especially for hard surface and box modelling) if it wasn’t for you. You made ZBrush make sense to me and not as intimidating as it used to be. The first Tuesday & Thursday from each month now are very special days :slight_smile:

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