
Basic Issues with ZB Core 2020

I recently upgraded to ZB Core 2020. There are a few things I am having trouble with and would appreciate any help. I should also mention I have only little ZB experience. Here are my problems:

  1. I can’t find the “Edit Mode” button anymore.
  2. “Ctrl N” doesn’t create a new document. It doesn’t seem to do anything .
  3. Sometimes I can activate Sculptris Pro, and sometimes I can’t.
  4. In the version before this one I could add a reference image to the UI from which to work. I am unable to do this now.

Thank you in advance for your help.

  1. As far as I can tell there simply is no Edit mode button anymore (your always in edit mode now) - and this makes it a lot easier for beginners.
  2. Yeah, I think this is a weird omission. Now you basically have to either restart the application or open a Dynamesh_Sphere project from the LightBox to start a new Project…
  3. Wild guess: Sculptris Pro doesn’t work with multiple subdivision levels, that could be a reason?
  4. Under Draw > Floor Grid you can add images for up/down, left/right, front/back - I think that’s pretty much all you can do in regards to reference images now. (Please feel free to correct me if you know another way!)

Thank you Marcus! That was helpful. I was beginning to think that I must be crazy. I kept seeing all these tutorials referencing the Edit Mode and thought that I must be missing something. I feel much better now. I know in the full Zbrush program there is a function called “Spotlight” that will let you add a reference image to the UI with the ability to place it anywhere pretty much. The one function under the Draw menu limits where you can place it. I like mine off to the side, but you can’t do it like you can with “Spotlight”.

One thing I have found helpful on rare occasions is the See-through slider on the top right. Allows you to see through to whatever images you have open behind ZBrush. But certainly no replacement for Spotlight, yeah… :slight_smile:

I never thought of that. I will give it a try. Thanks!