
Ballet dancer

36740199_663473874012516_8180318510098939904_n balet1 balet2 balet3


That is just a beautiful object. Very nice design.

Very beautiful.

thank you!

thank you!:pray:

Fantastic work. Were the stone settings done in ZBrush?

Nice sculpt

Hi! thank you!stone settings done in Rhinoceros

Thank you!

I thought so. Wishing that ZBrush could do that though. Looks like a job for https://nscnc.com/ . You know these guys? I think he is Russian… and Raims? Raimondas Januska on FB

this is a very complex project for milling, so they used printing here. in addition, the body is hollow, for weight relief. about this company saw on the Internet, in my opinion they are from Canada

I adore everything about this piece. Absolutely beautiful.

thank you!