
Autopsy: human embryo

hi all, this is my latest work (not my concept), also not to anyone`s taste but I hope you like it.

used 3ds max for the base mesh

zbrush for detailing and rendering

and photoshop for the background (taken from Da Vinci`s work)

C&C are wellcome


OK. Top Row 5 starts

Taste?:+1: Life… Born…
Wonderfull !

Fantastic bit of work! Always great to see this standard of art.

It is a bit disturbing, BUT… executed amazingly well!

I say…TOP ROW!:+1: :slight_smile:

I have instantly become an appreciator of your abilities.
Worth every moment you spent on it and presented well.

Here are my 5 stars. You deserve them…
PS What was this for???

Astonishing and extraordinary! Quality all the way, from sculpting to presentation. The posing of the baby’s hands is heart-wrenching. The top bar just got shifted upwards a few notches. :+1:

top row as allready said,:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: , glad you dident go into to full colour
and as i always say glad to see somthing else apart from silly monster heads.

One of the most imaginative idea and really cool final result.
Really amazing piece of art.
Thank you for sharing!

very well done!

:grimacing: TOP ROW STUFF! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yup, Great job!
I believe I have this book, You projected the details right?
Just wondering, either way… well executed and deserves the Top row honors, please.
Cesar Dacol Jr.
Aka, The Voodoo Monkey

but excellent, work 5 stars.

but beautiful

Excellent work! For crits, you could push the relief’s even more, as it still looks like a relief. You can get even deeper cuts in zbrush. The area where I think this could use more definition is the right side. However It would be nice to see the original artwork, from Leonardo da Vinci?

This is textured?

That is WOW!


freeken awsome
Love it !
Sick and wrong stuff always wins me over top row;)


definitely top row:+1: :+1: :+1:

Fantastic, is all I can say. Everyone else has said averything for me.
undoubtedly Top Row:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: and if it’s not Then we should all protest and take arms to the site moderaters. LoL:D