

Hi everyone, wanted to share the Diorama Statue i sculpted for the amazing Figurama Collectors company. Cant be more grateful i was part of this amazing project
Thank you everyone for the support and i can tell there is more to come !

To Figurama Collectors, Mohammad Shanab, Jarold Sng and hellpainter, thank you for everything. Was a challenging project, but toguether, with effort we achived something special. And a very special shout out and big thanks to Scarlett Brooks, apporting a very important piece of her talent with Mikasa head, and expression. Thank you

ZB01 ZB02 ZB03 ZB04 ZB06 ZB07
ZB08 ZB10


Very Epic work Caleb buddy, I can just tell when you create a piece :slight_smile:
Stunning a usual mate :slight_smile: @CALEB_NEFZEN
Is there a way to also share some zbrush screengrabs, because this sculpts are just too insane not to see in zbrush :slight_smile:
Happz sculpting buddy and happy friday,
Kenny :slight_smile:

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Wow, these images are awesome. Great views of all that insane detail. As usual you’ve blown me away with your abilities, Caleb. Just beautiful.

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Pretty amazing sculpt!!:clap:
The details everywhere so good man​:open_mouth:

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Great work Caleb! congrats!

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Outstanding Caleb :slight_smile: how large is the statue? Trabajo tremedo!!! :muscle:

Kenny! my friend, thank you so much for your words .
You are very kind as always.

And yes, i will make sure to make some screengrabs from zbrush.
I appreciate your interest regard that.

Have a great weekend!

Oh my friend, thank you so much for that.
means a lot my friend. thank you

thank you so much my friend.

Pablo! thank you so much, i really appreciate it!

Jaime, it means a lot, thank you so much my friend. !
And the size its H58xW70xD65.

Hey my friend, here are some screengrabs that you asked for :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow! Incredible sculpt!

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Amazing , Outstanding … do you sell STL for home print ?

I would like the same! Hopefully it is possible. My daughter wants it.