
Athul, The Witch Doctor

****ing good/original…congratulations!

You’ve done it again! I love the detail. Way to set the bar bro.

Wow, nice work!

the details are extraordinary! Very nice model :+1: :+1:

wow , crazy work :+1: , i like his right arm, great inspriation!!!

Hey Hey i got something to say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!!

I wasn’t going to click on it because the thumbnail didn’t look that interesting, but I’m glad I did. Looks totally awesome mad, great sculpting and attention to detail keep it up :D! :+1:

:o :o :grimacing: hey u r amazing :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :roll_eyes:

O_O holy!..thats beautiful

my thoughts exaclty @_@


teach me !!

OMG!!! thats HECTIC guy!!! :+1: X 10000000000000

I love to see that kind of art creations, bravo :smiley: . Amazing amount of details.

wow ! this is realy kick ass model and crazy detail on this character !

top row realy well deserve ! :+1: :+1: :+1:

good to see something new from you :wink:

sick detail man!! awesome work! nicely executed

10 stars for me

First of all, THANK YOU for the top row! Means so much to me!

@Vexona: Thank you sir!
@Intervain: THank you very much! I am actually going to upload more higher res images of Athul with your bronze shader soon!
@rayfusion: Yoo Hebss!! Thanks a lott buddy!! I was indeed very patience with the detailing of Athul, and thanks again as i did try my best to stay true to the concepts. :smiley: :smiley:
@brettSinclair: Thank you dudee…i love your art man!!
@pummumu: Herberrttt!! thanks so muchhh herbb! Way to go with your recently printed mantis and sniper wolf man! they are lookinggg crazyyy!!
@jamespthornton: hahahahahah! thats how i felt when i first saw the concept man. I thought the blade is freakin hugeee! but thank you for your compliments.
@konjo kothar vignar: :lol: :lol: Thats one of the most in depth compliments dude…! Really flattered! Thank you sir!!
@denni5: THank you Dennis!
@~mindrot~: Thank you for the critics, will definitely take note on that. I do agree too.
@natxxxo: Thank you sir, i did talk to the rodney and tried hard to come up with something original. Thank uu!
@Justinlewers: Justinn! Where r u todayy dudee…ben is looking for you! :lol: :lol: :lol: But thank you for the compliments dude!
@corcoran3d: Thank you !!
@SolidSnakexxx: Thank you very much!
@barbarossaX: Thank you sir!
@evoinsec: hahaahah!! thankkk youuu !!
@Prospect: and i am glad you likee it man! :wink:
@locky10: Thank youuuu!
@RiVvenGuard: thank you sir!
@xvampire: Thank you dude!
@zaheer07: Thank youu toooo sirr x100000!! :smiley: :smiley:
@Biser: Thank you for nice compliments!
@smeagol: Thats a really nice encouraging words sir! thank you very much!
@abbasi: thank you sir!
@jojo75: Than you!!

Thank you again everyone. I will be posting more higher res images of Athul very soon! Hope everyone will like it as much as i do. :smiley: :smiley:


goodjob man

That’s some extraordinary detailing ! do you plan to texture him?

:grimacing: :grimacing: are you for real?? How could u possibly model so much detail?? Congratulations on such a successful model!