
Athul, The Witch Doctor

Bad to the ass.

this character is just amazing man wow… keep it up. more more more lol

@delima1975: thanks dude, i am posting more images now. :smiley:
@Dryn : thank u!
@portergraphic : The model did went through multiple changes along the process. Thank you though for the nice words. :smiley:
@wesclei3d: thank you, i did put a lot more time sculpting the face.
@barbarossaX, @Stephenrminkin: thank you guys!!
@Kupo: hahahahahaha! it does have been a while since i did any personal work. I actually agree, some of the models should have a lot more polys, but it was getting heavy so i have to reduce some of them. Really glad u like it though, i love your work a lot dude! :smiley:
@nerveink: thanks dude, i am happy to know you notice about that. I did try to make the edges look like it has been used before. :smiley:
@tospeed: Thank you very much!
@JuanVal:Thank you sir! as for the subtools, i started out with not too many of them considering the complexity of the character. But it did get a lot more subtools as i went along and added more element to the scene. I believe the whole scene have at least 20 - 30 subtools.
@T.S.Wittelsbach: thank you very much for that compliment. The surfacing was actually one of my favourite step of the process. :smiley:
@juredujmovic: thank you sir!
@ianeastin: :lol: :lol: :lol: ! thank you so much sir!
@dagoned: THank you sir, i am posting more images now.

Here is another angles of the character for those requested. Thank you for looking though! :slight_smile:

Very sexy with this shader!I love the expression on him very much.
You should consider having this printed as rapid :wink:

Incredible Detail! Question: as someone still learning how zbrush works and such, i was wondering how you broke your character down? I know you cant just import that base model you linked in your Original Post and just go hard on detail (due to a 4 mill poly limit per sub tool i read about). How did you break up the peices? what were those peices and if you could link the UVs for that guy, just so i can see, that would be awesome too.

haha, its just really good and i wana know how :lol:.

Awesome Model! Keep it up.

:smiley: :smiley:

oh wow… that is incredible! nice details.

Great model!!! Really good detailing.

Slammin work, the amount of detail is superb. Approx how long did the entire model take?

Wow! Stunning Work here! :+1:

@pummumu: Know what dude, i think thats a really cool idea man! especially after seeing yours man which is really cool! :wink:

@DemonFrost: Thank you sir! As for the breaking the the pieces, on the first shot of the low res, thats pretty much my low res which i used. So basically what you thought i didnt do was the exact thing i did. :smiley: So far I dont have the entire thing UVed, only some parts of the model. I could post some before and after shots of some of the parts if that would help u. :slight_smile:

@infamouskiller, @smokebox46and2, @MaxAlbert, @piz: Thank you guys for the encouraging words. :wink:

@AA-ron: Thanks man! I did this model mostly on the weekend kinda thing. Sometimes weekdays if i wasnt too tired. I dont have the exact time but my rough estimates would be around 2 weeks maybe? :wink:

Thanks guys!


Man… the details are so intense! :grimacing:
Excellent work. Keep up the super super job ! 5 stars

Nice one Fabian! :+1:

man you are nuts, you have some patience i must admit…
awesome model dude & also you were able to interpret so much of the concept into 3d and still stay true to it, way to go.

Ay! Top row! Congrats man! It deserves it :+1:

congrats on top row dude! well deserved :smiley:

That’s one hell of a weapon! Whoa! That thing would be hard to swing, but if it hit you, it would be curtains and roses. I really like the apparel and all of the little dangling accessories, bones, and straps. The hat is obscenely cool. Nice work for sure.

i love it i love it i love it!! i love how gangster his face looks, i love his muscles, i love his clothing, i love how his axe looks, i love how its an extension of his arm, i love the design for it, i love his mask…lol i bet i could go on forever but ill stop there for now… oh yea, and i love how simple the basemesh is, and how much detail you got out of it. ok im done! thnx for the inspiration

Definitely top row!!! Your details are so intense. Awsome job Fabian!!!

Very impressive.

The only crit I have is that the wrist of his exposed hand looks very strenge.
