
Antropus' Sketchbook

Thanks a lot guys.
I did some tests and was very impressed with how fast ZBrush handles it. I exported it to maya for rendering, but turns out the hair was too thin, so I’ll try thicken it up a bit next time.

no, not decimated. This is just a subD level less than the highest level. But I’ll decimate once I finish the detail work. I also like to try the displacement in Vray, but on this model for some weird reason I’m getting some artifacts on the render.

thanks mate!

yeah, the only map being used right now is the subdermal map, also plugged on the ambient channel. A specular map will be added to get sharp reflections on the mouth and lids, add more spec to the forehead and to eliminate the spec on the neck.

that’s a cool face too! But no, this one is based on James Bama’s painting. You can google “James Bama Roy” and you should be able to see the reference I’m using.


Congratulations on Fatherhood Kris!!
Lovely to see a post from you. Stunning results.

Best wishes to you and your family

I don`t think so: http://thebeautybrains.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/wrinkle.jpg :smiley: great work with this guy kris.

Thank you boozy!

f roldan,
I was being sarcastic :slight_smile:
I know that there are some weird faces out there, wrinkly to the extreme, but people normally say it’s overdone when they see something like this, reason why I mentioned :smiley:
This is a very cool reference, btw. Thank you!

Here’s a little update. Mostly color map, spec map and SSS shader tweaks. Also some PS comp tweaks.
Everything in progress:


i think it is great… the face is very interesting…

awesome WIP

the final product will be good i can sense it

Wonderful character, it really turned out great! Bravo!

It reminds me of Farm Security Agency photography by Dorathea Lang and Walker Evans during the Depression.

Cheers, David :smiley:

Superb !!! Congratulations! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: I’m a big fan of your work!

I was sarcastic too, exactly for the same reason :smiley: people (including myself) some times make unfair critics and dont even know theres a solid reference behind some work looking overdone or weird, when i saw that image i posted, remembered this work and changed my mind about the wrinkles look. Anatomy can give us really interesting surprises. Nice update, keep it up :wink:

This is extremely good!


The face looks insane !!
top row for sure :slight_smile:

im waiting for shirt update, becuse needs some work :smiley:

cheers and looking forward to more updates

hi antropus, im a big fan of your work …i really hope to see more of your personal work posted here …

Glad to see you here…you’re one of my favorite CG artists.
Looking forward to see the portrait completely rendered/comp , I’m glad you like Vray(for Maya I presume).

Glad to see some more of your art. The facial expression on this guy is fantastic.:+1:

Thank you so much for your kind words, guys.

Here’s an update. It’s my first time trying fibermesh, later exported as polys and rendered in VRay for Maya.
There’s no back scatter on the hair right now, reason why it looks pretty flat. A lot of tweaking still necessary, but for a relatively quick test, this is working alright (I think).





this is awesome!! :+1:

How are V-ray handling the fibermesh for rendering? Does it significantly lower the rendering speed?

Yep, it gets really heavy actually. Still not awful (about 30 minutes for a 1024x768… before it was about 14 minutes). But my machine is not that fast right now. It’s a dual xeon about 6 year old. I think a single i7 would kick its butt really hard at this point :slight_smile:


Looks fantastic so far, I also experienced that more you work i v ray render times go longer and longer :slight_smile:

looks great , cant wait to see the final image

Looks awesome. Looking forward to the finals. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Hey Kris, this portrait just gets more amazing every time you update. Small crit, hair could maybe use a tiny bit more clumping, it’s very consistent and even at this point. Also, the hairline is very sudden. You’ve placed some wonderful stubble on his cheeks and his hairline could use a little bit of attention like that, possibly with some thinner sparser hairs transitioning into his full hair. I was also wondering. Did you generate that little curl on the photo surface with fibermesh too?