
Answered: "zbrush executable has stopped working"

It gives me this message everytime I try to open my project.
Did I lost my file, or is there anything I can do to recover my work?

Help, please.

Which version of ZBrush?

Does this only happen with one file, or with any file?

How large is the file? The model itself?

What ZBrush features did you use, such as 3D layers?

Have you tried disabling loading the Undo History before opening the file? If not, that’s done through Preferences >> Undo History.

Which version of ZBrush? 4R4

Does this only happen with one file, or with any file? Only with this one so far. I’m new to Zbrush, I’ve been using it for 1 month or so, and this is the first time this happens. If I try to open any other file now, it works perfectly.

How large is the file? The model itself? 90MB

What ZBrush features did you use, such as 3D layers? Nothing too fancy, I believe. Don’t even know what 3D layers are. The first time that the program crashed, I was importing an OBJ to use it as a subtool for a character I was sculpting

Have you tried disabling loading the Undo History before opening the file? If not, that’s done through Preferences >> Undo History. I have tried it now, but unfortunately, it’s no use…

I thank you greatly for your attention!

It sounds like there’s something about what you imported that ZBrush doesn’t like, corrupting it. Unfortunately, if you don’t have an earlier version of the model without that SubTool, there’s probably no way for you to continue.

Is there a reason you’re not using 4R5? There are some features there (such as QuickSave) that are meant to help prevent you losing your work because of something unexpected happening.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to start working on a different version this very morning, so thankfully I didn’t lose too much work.

The OBJ I was trying to import was a simple cube, 6 polygons… and I have imported the same OBJ earlier on this project… Can’t figure out what happened.

The only reason why I’m not using 4R5 yet is because I have just started learning Zbrush a few days before the release, so I was too lazy to change from one version to another.

Thanks again for your attention, I’ll be sure to move to the latest version very soon!