
Answered: Disc space critically low after updating to zb4r6?

Hello all! Since upgrading to ZB4r6 I have encountered a memory error with one of my projects. The file loads with all tools at lowest subd level (file size is about 300Mb). I have loaded different iterations of said project and get the same memory error every time when I click on “high all” in the subtool palate to see my entire model with all subtools at highest sculpting detail. The error: " sorry, the disc space is critically low. Please clear more disk space (by emptying the trash, deleting files, etc.) and then click OK to resume."

The thing is, I have a SSD with only 1GB of space left. BUT, I have zbrush installed on a separate 10,000 rpm drive with 285 GB left. I figured the scratch disc for Zbrush would exist on this separate mechanical drive since I installed it there.

Other things to note:
I have a i7 Quad Core running @3.8 Ghz

I have 16GB of total DDR3 RAM @ 1600Mhz

I have several hard drives as mentioned above, the small 60GB SSD running WINDOWS 7 64BIT HOME PREMIUM and a handful of programs

The other HDDs store all of my personal files and larger programs such as Zbrush.

At the time of crash near the top of the UI I saw that the “active memory” was 1804, the “scratch disc” was 1286, and “free memory” was 2291…whatever that all means

My max polys are set at 21 million and i only have 200 tool undos set and a compact mem of 1024 set.

If there is anything anyone can do to help I really appreciate it! I have several projects come to a halt because of this error. I apologize in advance if the solutions is an extremely simple thing I just overlooked…but I can’t seem to get it to work since the upgrade.
