
***Announcing ZBrush 4 for Windows And MacOSX


Awesome. :smiley:

Thirty whole days free of whiners! :cool:

Until they start up again on Aug. 10. :rolleyes:

Wait, is that me, whining? ! :o

Doh! :eek:


no teaser videos yet :confused:

wanna see some features :smiley:

Now is a robust and big Kid, 10 years after!!!
Keep on the revolution Pixologic Team:+1:
Big thanks to all of you!

Congrats to the pixo team for getting this out :slight_smile:

[attach=202511]Say What?.jpg[/attach]


Say What?.jpg

I hope ZBrush 4 will allows me to work with more polygons coz i have only 1gb ram… :cry: bt anyways…Thanx for this GoooooooooooooD News…

My 2-3 Projects r waiting for ZBrush 4… :wink:

This just made my day! Thanks Pixologic! You guys are truly leading the future of 3D Animation!

Will there be any new features we haven’t seen so far included in zbrush 4.0 ?

Woot! :smiley:

best ever news - your rock

Great news!
Thanks Pixologic Team!

…Finally!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer the out of the blue, wake up to an email with a download link method, but good news.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Wohoo!! that’s most excellent news to hear for a very long time, thank you Pixologic team and have a nice summer. :slight_smile:

/ Magnus

I’ll believe it when I see it :slight_smile:

So your saying you need a cat?

<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>[[attach=202517]50536297_1.jpg[/attach]]50536297_1.jpg

as a mac user I can’t say thank you enough.

Thank you!

So excited, this has made my week. Thank you :slight_smile: