
Alex Poatan Real Time

I sculpted this Alex Poatan bust to refine my process of likeness. And to build up a more solid foundation in organic sculpture and a realistic real time character.

Alex Poatan is such an iconic figure in the martial arts world and in this very day he’ll be defending his title in UFC for the first time. Against who could be the biggest rival in his carreer. I’ll soon also post this rival.
This was sculpted in ZBrush from start to finish, including the detaling of the skin. No alphas were used. Sculpted in Zbrush, hairs on XGen and rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
01_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro 02_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro !
03_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro|960x1200 04a_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro 05_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro 06_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro 07_poatan_mauricio_salgueiro