


we did it, a version is uploaded to MSUC, just a few more fixes and we gonna release a public version too.

For those of you, who don’t know the project. Airbørn is a mod for Unreal Tournament 3, which a few of my colleagues and me have been working on for quite some time now.

As opposed to most UT3 mods, this is a total conversion, which means that we almost killed everything that is unreal, and created a whole new look that hopefully doesn’t look like unreal at all. Who we are? A group of professional game developers, who wanted to do something cool in our free time, because of that the development takes ages, but it’s worth it.

Airbørn takes place in a fantastic world, eons after the earth has collapsed from over exploitation. Strangely, the world didn’t end, life went on and somehow the people of this world managed to survive and live in a peacefull manner. Well if there wouldn’t be kings that still exploit the ressources of the last islands and take even the last bits of usable sources for their good.

We place the player in that world, as Piño a small boy who wants to be a messenger just like his father was. In time he experiences a lot of adventures. Ok lets stop the text and let the images speak!

Please click www.airborn-game.com for further information and pictures :slight_smile: AND just new… http://vimeo.com/6401989

and why is this on zbc? because most of the sculpting stuff for the normalmaps has been done in zbrush, of course, if you are interested i’m gonna post the sculpts and stuff like that :slight_smile:



Cant see a picture but saw them on polycount.
Amazing work you and youre team did :slight_smile:
waiting for the download :smiley:

pics are now working

These are wonderful. I think a lot of people would like to see some ZBrush renders. :wink:

It would be really nice to see some ZBrush screens, for sure!

This is awesome! Has a Steam Boy feel to it; Very COOL

zbrush renders would be cool to see. :+1: :+1:

awesome work guys! that’s the kind of stuff i would love to be involved in :slight_smile:

I second for the sculpt request :slight_smile:

@rbarton: that is is a pretty big compliment to me, steamboy was THE initial inspiration to start that stuff with this lil guy here

@abe: damn i loved your lion, well i still love it!


oh man it has changed quite a bit since then :lol:

thanks to all the others, your word is my command, some of the models that have been done in zBrush

lets start with the redesign of Piño

and his grandpa Alphonso

tokachu, a fat ratlike critter living around human settlements

the airwhale, it has a giant gasbubble in his tummy he needs to eat heavy stuff like rocks that it can’t digest to keep the mass center low to prevent it from turning around in flight. it can buil up gas and also blow it out to sink

a seagull, does what a seagull does, fly and place **** around the harbour, the first quest is settled around these nasty things

One of the evil guys, a scout of the royal army, thin fast guy which will have his own personal jet to scout in front of larger ships, cannot be beaten by pogostick, you’ll have to fight him in ranged combat


and some vessels, bumps and rivets have been placed in zbrush



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really nice sculpts!is it a matcap on the whale?it’s pretty cool, if you dotn mind, could you tell us wich one is it?looks very similar to the oter but with a red sheen to it…

No ingame vids yet? i know i know, we always want everything now :slight_smile:
(unlike game dev prod lol)

Awesome work Neox, Love the overall mood/style .

thanks again: abe its a micture of several matcaps which i layered together in photoshop, i also layered in a blurry shape of a shipt it ate afterwards, so its not totally zbrush, sometimes i’m just doing some postwork to work an idea :wink:

beautiful work - the grandpa is great! top row IMHO

Looks amazing, congratulations!

Great designs and beautiful work! :+1:

It’s gorgeous; look forward to playing it!
Top stuff Neox!

That made my morning. Great concepts.



That’s really something, that you guys finished your mod. I see a lot of folks on the ZBC Community Forum trying to get people involved in their mods. I get the impression that most mods never get finished…or barely even started.

It seems to me that the trick to getting talented people interested in working on a mod is pretty much the same as anything else - you need to have a talented concept artist make some drawings to whet people’s appetites. Organization and staying on a timeline seems like it would be a little difficult if you aren’t used to managing others.


Oh i wouldn’t say airborn is totally different in that case, yes we have downtimes where nothing happens and we also have periods where a lot of stuff is happening at once. I would also not say, that airborn is well managed, the hierarchy is very flat, the artdirection is mostly teambased, the deadlines are very blurry… but it goes on and on and it will as long as we have fun working on it

i think the thing that pushes us forward is that we all are professionals with the willing to do something cool besides our work, which sometimes isn’t the funniest or most creative. most teammates are germans or from surrounding german speaking countries the cool projects are rare here, and even if we are on a cool project we still want to work on that baby, i started in 2006 and some concepters found the idea cool, so we worked it out a bit more, then other friends who are modellers saw that stuff and wanted to join. On of us was at splashdamage at that time and from there we got to know our coder and our voice actor, guys saw the project and applied, so we have a musician for the soundtrack and a sound designer for all the sounds, so far we are all professionals and because of that it works really self driven, needs not big leader to controll everything. If i do ****, the concept guys and other modellers will tell me so i have to change stuff, i think for such a project its better to work as a team with our strengths joined together and not as individuals.

Oh my… this is absolutely gorgeous !!! I love it ! This is the design I like the most, and you made a game with it !

beautiful … rely beautiful … is it a dream?
five stars from me :smiley: