
About the next step for ZBrush

I almost got an heat arrack! :cry: Because I just ordered set of zbrushesā€¦ but Iā€™m glad that 3.0 is a free update :lol:

<<<<< does the ā€œYAY ITS ALMOST HERE DANCEā€! Wait, didnt we just have Xmas? :smiley:

:grimacing: May 15th :+1:

I canā€™t wait to try out the topology rig.
Im going to tell the news to the dean of animation in my university to get the upgrade.

Thanks Pixologic!:smiley:

Javier Loredo.

After going through the video, I AM LIGHTNING STRUCK (yES TWICE)


yey for z3 :+1:

Thank you Pixologic! ZBrush has done so much for me, I really canā€™t thank you guys enough.

This program came along at a time when I was really floundering. I had given up on a Computer Science degree and was already 3 semesters into Media Arts & Sciences. Iā€™d just had a kid, I was exhausted and dirt poor, I was stuck in a stressful home life with my wife, sister, and mother all at eachotherā€™s necks every day. I was watching all of my fellow students race by me with tons of freedom and energy. I was so close to just giving up and resigning myself to stacking boxes for the rest of my life.

Then a friend, who hardly new the app, showed me a couple minutes of ZBrush and I was intrigued. I went home and played with it myself. A couple months later, my parents pitched in to help me buy it as a birthday gift. Itā€™s the best purchase Iā€™ve ever made. A year later, Iā€™m showing off to people I used to think were way past me as digital artists and making their eyes pop. Iā€™m teaching tricks to my professors at school. Iā€™m motivated, optimistic, and have no doubt that thereā€™s a future for me as an artist.

And now this free upgrade. I just cant thank you guys enough for your innovation and generosity!

Charles Heathman

Oh I almost forgot to mention, your releasing a mere 6 days after my birthday! I feel so special! :grimacing:

OMG !! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
sounds like :+1:

After a long hiatus from digital art this glimpse at the ZBrush future certainly has me enthused again.

Some overly ambitious projects I started with version 1.23 are about to be dusted off and I am guessing ZB3 will eat them for breakfast.

I really like the Pixologic philosophy.

I have to say usually software upgrades with me are met with a kind of ā€œmehā€ or ā€œgreat i only just got used to that and they go changing itā€ but i was damn close to jumping out of my seat while watching this video.

Thank you pixologicā€¦lets just hope everything runs smoothly.

My week just got 3 times better.

Also, anyone else realize that the announcement was made exactly 2.5 months before the release of Zbrush 3? hehe.

I just watched the videoā€¦
Just amazing !
Some of the tools seem to be really powerfull. Another reason for me to be impatientā€¦

I will keep my ā€˜WOOOHOOOOā€™ inside until the Mac version is there.
Again we have to wait. I realy hope for all Mac users version 3 will be there soon for our system.

finally some good news :smiley:

one question thoughā€¦

is the wait for mac versions due to the fact that your preparing a 64bit version to go with leopard :wink: i know thatā€™s the version i would wanna purchase for sure.

canā€™t imagine the performance boost our osx systems at work will have with dual quad core systems using 64 bit osx :smiley: ;):sunglasses:

this is jsut amazing. cant wait

I have never posted anything but now I have to :). OH MY DAYZ :grimacing: I hope that you will really release Zbrush 3 on May 15th 2007 guys, pls :D.

Jesus Christ, this just looks freaking amazing. Holy mother of jesus, A M A Z I N G.

Whoaā€¦Thank you very very much!

i canā€™t congratulate you enough guys - iā€™m absolutely wetting me pants abou thtis oneā€¦ if i had decided to try 3d a few years earlier than i did and didnā€™t manage to try zbrush i think i may not have stuck with it.

well done

This software is a creation of geniuses.