
About the next step for ZBrush

I am so excited !!
Can’t wait for this release, it looks fantastic.
The new features look incredibly useful.

You are a genius Pixolator.

This looks amazing - well done guys - it was worth the wait! You mentioned that V3 would be free to registered users of V2 (THANKS SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS!), but now that I think about it, I can’t remember ever having registered my copy of ZBush 2 which I bought in 2004. I have the emails from digital river with the proof of purchase but can’t seem to find a registration page anywhere on the PIXOLOGIC site. Don’t want to miss out on this great piece of software just because I’ve done something silly like not getting round to registering.
Can anyone else remember where they registered?

Just an FYI, i uploaded the video here:


If you’re having trouble downloading it from the main page, try that link. Not sure if you have to register to download it or not… but even if you do, it’s free.


Okay, fanboy mode disengaged.

Can we get some sample hardware specs of what Zbrush 3 was running on?

Has gestural modeling replaced the need for rigging? Is that the intention now? I can’t tell you how cool this is! The only other cool feature would be automated retopo tools as discussed in a few research papers ( Pick a few core points for new edge flow, and it computes the rest ).

All the other tools, like the material picker, my god! Incredible!

An upload to youtube might be nice. Can’t do it now though.

stealth1701, don’t worry, you ARE ‘registered’, zbrush does not require and extra step for this.

Awesome news. Congratulations on a wonderful announcement Pixologic.

good point, i’m uploading it to youtube now. i’ll post a link when i have it

yahhhh! What an announcement :smiley:
thanks for making my day!


Thanks Antimorph - thats good to know.:smiley:

Okay, here’s the youtube link:

and the mirror for the full resolution movie:

Incredible, can’t wait to get my grubby little hands on this!:smiley:

Thanks Pixol

I am downloading the video, but I have no doubt at all that zbrush 3 will be a revolutionary software.

Keep it up and congrats.


I think when 2.5 was suggested everyone who uses Zbrush was surprised that such major improvements were not going to be a new version release. This makes excellent sense. It really is a brilliant program. Beautifully engineered to design beautiful work. It comes from a brilliant and beautiful mind. Thank you for working so hard on this for us and thank you also for being so generous to us… again!

I reccommend this proram to everyone as does everyone who uses it.

incredible work! the ability to interactively pose a zmesh is just out of this world! and if that “concept sculpting” part is what i think it is…i’m s#itting myself. that really gives 2d artists what we’ve been looking for for a long time!

on a side note, once again mac users get left out of the initial excitement. i’ll just assume we won’t be able to play with the new release for about a year, as i’ve been emailed when inquiring to be a tester, that pixologic isn’t even beta testing for the mac. that’s okay though, as i haven’t even begun to master 2.0.

that aside, i can’t wait to see what comes of this 3.0 release!! well done guys!! :smiley:

MEGA RESPECT, Guys. I’m oiling my wrist and wacom :smiley:


Make person expect very much

damn! :slight_smile: We’ve got OSX Leopard 64bit and Zbrush3 64bit Universal binary coming in May (probably)! That’s one hell of a party! :smiley:

Looks great… can’t wait!

Am I the only one here who seems happy about this? Only joking, only joking. I’d just like to say Woohoo, Holy crap, yahoo, wam bam ramalama ding dong:grimacing:. This has really cheered me.
Just one question though. When will 2.5 be released?:p:lol:

Absolutely mindblowing. There are things in that video I’m having trouble getting my head around - the potential…is staggering. Guys, thank you so much for all your efforts - you are just an invaluable bunch of people to the digital art community the world over, and you should be so proud of what you’ve achieved. I am so excited!!!