
A tired Viking

Excellent work, look forward to the final.:+1:

found these - thought might be useful.







suder: WOW! thanks! that’s going to help a ton.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

People are being a bit overly harsh on your horse. Depending on body fat, and what muscles have been worked out the most yours is not completely unrealistic.

To me it looks like you have the major muscle groups down. Yeah there’s some tweaking you can do but overall it’s a very good model. I did agree with the size of the head, which you fixed. But there are a lot of different breeds out there. It’s always good to use reference, which I am sure you have, that you can point to and say “this is is what I was going for”.

Keep improving it but also know that you’ve done a good job. Your Viking is really nice too.

I think that with what you got, you could put together a very nice presentation still if you focus on materials, lighting and composition.

Everything is looking real sharp. Great job :+1:

Nice work man - very cool character Eric

suder - thx for the horse ref

tobbeo: Thanks for the support.


  • FoOD -: Thanks

Here is another update. I’ll be getting to the texturing soon. I worked on the lighting a bit but It’ll probably change once I start to apply textures.


That’s looking beautiful, man. Really well done. Cheers.


Last one looks really amazing so far

I’d love to see more angles and closeups though

Such great work! :stuck_out_tongue: Really inspirational :slight_smile:

A really great update! One thing that instantly jumps out at me atm are his boots, the lower part to be precise. They feel like they belong some centuries later - too refined a shape. The vikings would have worn soft leather, pointy boots without internal supporting walls in the toe like yours have…

here’s a good example:http://www.visi.com/~norseman/viking_shoe.html

dustinbrown: Thanks, man.

I realized I haven’t shown his right side. I’m not quite finished with the right side. I was thinking of adding an axe.

Thanks, too kind.

: Thank you. I love your work. Yeah the boots are kind of sophisticated for the time period. The viking isn’t totally realistic I’ve definitely taken some liberties with him.

Here’s the right side for now.


Outstanding detail! One more ctitique his rigt arm looks as it is double jointed on the elbow region, and the horse muscles need more attention, but I don’t doubt you know that and this is still a wip, so please don’t find yourself offended :slight_smile:


It’s always such a shame to be picky with something done so beautifully!
I guess I agree with the above comments, and there’s a few costume/armour details that don’t ring true, but then as you say you’ve taken liberties.
Might be better to call this ‘Battle Worn’ or ‘Wounded’ and avoid those comments altogether/
It’s a really lovely piece, congrats!

An axe would make a worthy addition.

Jesus Eric, your killing it! I cant wait to see where this goes.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

This is becoming a really cool looking model. If I may make a suggestions it would be to keep taking more liberty’s with his design. Just run with it! I also agree with mikezoo, a axe would be a very badass addition. Keep up the great work :+1:

Looking good, funny enough Im listening to Wagners Parcifal right now which

lines up with the image.

Hey Everyone. So I’ve been working on the texturing aspect of the character. I’ll post more various angels of the character soon.

cherub_rock: thanks for the feedback!

RawSunlight: Yeah I started with the idea of a tired viking but it has definitely taken some detours on its design

mikezoo: thanks buddy;)

Stephenrminkin: Thanks for the encouragement.

Dman3d: Epic :+1:




This is looking better and better with each update. Is this all done within zbrush or combination with other programs? Good Work, Eric.<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

I am using 3ds Max for creating the geometry, VRay for lighting and rendering, and zbrush for detailing. The head, helmet, arms, gloves, and horse have normal maps that I created with zbrush and then I used xnormal to bake the normals and occulsion pass.