
A tired Viking

This is becoming a really cool looking model. If I may make a suggestions it would be to keep taking more liberty’s with his design. Just run with it! I also agree with mikezoo, a axe would be a very badass addition. Keep up the great work :+1:

Looking good, funny enough Im listening to Wagners Parcifal right now which

lines up with the image.

Hey Everyone. So I’ve been working on the texturing aspect of the character. I’ll post more various angels of the character soon.

cherub_rock: thanks for the feedback!

RawSunlight: Yeah I started with the idea of a tired viking but it has definitely taken some detours on its design

mikezoo: thanks buddy;)

Stephenrminkin: Thanks for the encouragement.

Dman3d: Epic :+1:




This is looking better and better with each update. Is this all done within zbrush or combination with other programs? Good Work, Eric.<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

I am using 3ds Max for creating the geometry, VRay for lighting and rendering, and zbrush for detailing. The head, helmet, arms, gloves, and horse have normal maps that I created with zbrush and then I used xnormal to bake the normals and occulsion pass.

looking good …
keep pushing…

Beautiful work:+1: Epic

AjoLee Sketchbook

Wonderful work! The anticipation of going to the next page to see your updates was so much!
And nice, I’m from Portland too

ivar_sn: Thanks for the encouragement

: Thanks

: Thanks. Woot Portland!:cool:

I didn’t change anything with the model. but I was playing around with color and composition a little and came up with something that I thought I’d share with you guys.


Congats man,
this warrior is a really cool sculpt. I even prefer the less coloured version.
Cool work indeed.:+1:

I really like this model, you have done a really lovely job on it. the detail you have put into it is amazing and you can really feel the weight of the character on the horse. well done give your self a pat on the back because its amazing.

Amazing job EricD, can u tell us what program did you use for the fur on the warrior? (max?)
I only suggest you to contrast a bit more the illumination, reducing midtones to see better the amazing forms and shapes of these piece.
By the way great job, can’t wait to see more, congratulations

Best regads

stunning work

Hurdy Gurdy Man: Thanks. I took the textured one into photoshop and desaturated the image and instantly like it more, I don’t know what says about my texturing skills though:confused:

Thanks, man!

I used 3ds max 9 hair. I will definitly play with it some more in photoshop. Thnanks for the feedback.

: Thanks

All in all you got a very nice picture here…I like the warrior and the horse’s head , but you still have to work on the anatomy of the horse’s body…very nice render though.
Waiting to see what will be next…

Suder, those are GREAT refs. I was gonna suggest something like that, but I haven’t seen such details pics on the net before, so I’m saving em for my own refs. Thanks for doing the leg work on finding em.

wow. perfect

Nice model bro great job :+1:

very nice renders

OUTSTANDING JOB…:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I was just thinking of your title,…THE TIRED VIKING,…It put me in mind of the sculpture by …James Earle Fraser…THE END OF THE TRAIL…modeled 1894…Cast 1918

If you have not checked his piece out yet, then you might enjoy seeing it.
It might give you inspiration and more ideas for the gesture of the rider and the horse…Lowered head of the rider and the horse, enhances and really adds to the sense of being tired…Just a pasing thought that may or may not be useful to you, but I thought worth mentioning.
Really looking forward to seeing the outcome of this piece you are working on.
CHEERS :+1: :slight_smile: