
A few sketches

I love your work! You’re crazy man, but so creative :slight_smile:

great work in this thread!

the model of the heart is definetly my fav. love how you gave that model some weight and thickness with the little wrinkles.

keep it up mate, will definetly be keep an eye on this thread :slight_smile:


thanks guys!
I am glad you like it :slight_smile:

here are couple new sktches, and few old with some tweaks :wink:


:sunglasses: :+1:

looks pretty good.

Very creative!

This is so unbelievably good. All fantastic!! You’re one of my cultural heroes now.

Congrats on top row! Pea man is awesome!

The bean-face model is SO cool!

Congratulations, shmud, for the Top-Row.
Great to see you get some well deserved recognition.

Again: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

GREAT work!!
Best regards, Selwy

Wonderful, amazing, so creative stuff! No words to describe them!! Thanks for sharing your work with us.

Cicero DÁvila

Oh my god! aún estoy flipando. :smiley:

You have a very creative mind. I like your work as well as your ideas. I am curious to know how long a couple of these took? You seem to work quickly and produce good work as well. :+1: Nice work.

Do you start out with z-spheres? or do you base model in another app?

in the last image posted you managed to capture a very traditional feel. Is this the use of the clay brush? Would you mind sharing how you achieved such a strong traditional feel?

Hi Shmud.

Your work is mad creative. I feel Eastern europe definately produces great 3d and 2d work. keep it up

wondering why i never bumped into this thread before…
thanks to the mods for taking it to top row…
great work…a visual treat…:smiley:

This is the grooviest little z-folio I’ve seen in a while! Awesome approach to 3d art :+1:

WOW !!!
Amazing work !:grimacing:

Wow!! Just WOW!! :grimacing:

These are wonderful. Looks like you had loads of fun with these.

Thanks for sharing.
