
A few sketches

some awesome stuff here!

You have a very unusual style, very refreshing. EXeptional sculpting ability! First time for me to see a watering can with testicles LOL! :lol:

I think your pieces are finished. They are each quite magical. I’d love to see your take on a Steampunk theme … I just know it would be amazing.

haha…very cool sculpts and unique aswell

What a very creative mind. Thanks for sharing.

Very creative indeed! Makes me want to bust outta my shell a bit more… keep em comin dude.

Wow, wacky stuff…I enjoyed it immensely.

Thank you guys!
I didn’t expect so many comments on my stuff!:slight_smile:
I am very glad you like it, and i’ll try to make some better pieces in the future.


really cool stuff!!!

I wasn’t too sure at first but after absorbing your work I actually find it among some of the most inspiring on ZBrush Central.

What you are creating here is art. Some of it actually makes me think and want to stare at it longer.

You are a gem among stones. Keep up the great work.

Great work, good to see people not doing orcs and all pinups!

Are you currently working? Looking for work?

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

hi again!
And thanks for the kind word’s!
Here some test renders :slight_smile:


and some sketches :


1 Like

Awesome work you have here…
(can’t stop laughing with the girl + rat ^^)

Keep it up !

just LOVE the candle…

keep up the great work.

Ah man, I hoped I’d never see a guy in the Borat bathing suit again in this lifetime

really really sweet work!

thanks for this!


Weired, But very interesting stuffs :+1:

Hi schmudd! Awesome, awesome works! So much fun, and so well done. This is a 5 star thread! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !