
A Beginners Guide : Zbrush to 3DS Max Pipeline.

Many Thanks to Adam Whitcroft!!!

Here links:
PS.I uploaded from thise site:


Thumbs up to UV Layout. Incredible program…

Thanks for this guide!

Thank you for this wonderful tutorial! At the moment I’m only working in Zbrush, but I’m very keen to try out Blender once my model is ready to apply texture to!

im not the pedantic type…but really…this file has been tracked to 4363 downlods and hardly anyone is saying thank you! im a highly disturbed by the manners of the people downloading this file!!! please have some common courtesy and say thanks!!! if this continues i will remove the file!

yeah a ‘thank you’ doesn’t cost anything…so just to be sure

thank you very much for your hard work and your own time you put aside to helping people with creating this tutorial

steve g

I think you hit upon a basic flaw in human nature…one that causes the same feeling in neighbors,factions within countries and among nations…so few thanks for the gracious efforts of individuals that contribute freely out of a kindness that comes from the heart.

I guess I too am guilty of that, even here…as my thanks was so quickly stated a few posts back and I seemed to be more appreciative of UV Layout than I was of your offering. For this I am sorry. So I am not slamming others here as I too share this failing.

We are all to eager to post our disappointments and suspicions, but nowhere near as eager to take the time to express appreciation for those. like yourself who give to us without asking for anything in return.

I apologize and hopefully, this will be a lesson to me also and will maybe serve as a tool I can use to remind me, in the future, to take the time to let others know how grateful I am for their contributions.

I ask your forgiveness…and that you not take from this experience a heart hardened against the desire to help others freely and anonymously. That would be a shame indeed…upon all of us who have benefited from your taking the time to help us through some of the obstacles in learning this program.

thank you for the contributions and for the expression of your disappointment in the response. I will not forget this.

I know quite a few ever have the time to say thanks after getting stuff for free, and to tell the truth, I got your download yesterday, and have come back to say thank you a million times…I hate laying out UVs, and your PDF was a real saviour, cos afetr completely modelying, i could step back and lay them out by following step by steps gotten through you… you truky are a saviuor of the Forty something thousand who didn’t bother to say thanks…atleast I came back to say so.

thanks once again…

NB: How many times have I said thanks… lost count actually…LOL…Thanks again.

If there ever are useful stuff like this in the future, pls send me alinnk ASAT cos combing this forum can sometimes be a pain in the ass.

Well, I am thankful. I came here last year when the link was broken. I was sad to see that the information was still out of reach.

Finally I am able to give this another go. I had no idea this was back up. So a big THANK YOU, Adam.

MRADAMW … thanks a lot for the condivision of your work …

I got your PDF and thanked you alot for it. I read through the tutorial like a bible, and followed each step, but got stuck at the point where after selecting your edges,I’m supposed to click the tab where edit mode is, and select UV Face select.The problem is that UV Face select is not among those options. I am using Blender 2.48, and downloaded both open source and .exe just to be sure. They both say i need to install Python. Could this be the reason why UV face select doesn’t show up??

I’m in dera need of your reply.
Thanks again.

Thank you for sharing this Guide. Really amazing and really very kind of you. :slight_smile:

thankyou very much :+1:

this is my first post and first download … so thankyou :smiley: for everything

hey dear,
I wrote about a week ago, expecting a reply, but got none. I’ve not been able to UV select face after marking my seams, simply cos that option doesn’t show in the dialog where Edit Mode is found. Please help as soon as you can, cos I’m in dear need of it.

thanks again.


hello everyone! thanks for…well…all the thanks! my faith in humanity has been somewhat restored :slight_smile: i apologise for having to make that post complaining about it, but i was just a tad upset that 2 weeks of work had gone unnoticed. anyhoo…

teeto - im so sorry i havent been able to get back to you! work is pretty much the only thing i have time for in my life at the moment. my blender version is 2.45 (so you actually have a more recent version than i do!). Let me try and understand your problem.

  1. have you laid out your seams?
  2. are you at the step where you need to go into UV Face, select all of your faces to unwrap?

if so, please see the attached screengrab. maybe it will help you out a little. if you are still stuck, please feel free to email me on
mradamw@gmail.com and i will do what i can to help you out :slight_smile:

i think soon i will post a tutorial on using the VERY powerful unrwapping features in 3dsmax (which i initially thought was alot more complicated than blender, but it turns out its almost easier!). if anyone is keen, please let me know and i will put something together




That’s exactly the spot where I am…UV Face select just isn’t among the list!!! I’ve pulled my hair out everyday since I got your pipeline.Could i be doing anything wrong???

Here’s what I do step by step:

  1. I import an obj mesh and uncheck all the buttons you said before I hit import.

  2. I then select an edge, hit Ctrl + E and select Select Edge loop from the pop-up…

  3. The hit Ctrl + E again and select Mark Seams…from the pop-up and the edges change from yellow to orange. I repeat this for other edges, and then comes the next step.

  4. I click on the tab so I could go from edit mode to UV select mode, but that funcetion just isnt there!!!

Could I have done something wrong along the way??

Could it be that the function just isnt available in ver 2.48? Please get this version and try it out…I l;ove your pipeline and am a major fan of yours already…Pls help me out!!!

hey teeto

ok i got the new version, installed it and played around, and i think i have the answer for you.

  1. create seams as you have been doing
  2. when all of your seams are in, you can either hit “A” on the keyboard to select all of the faces, or chose Select > Select/Deselect All (picture 1)
  3. Instead of going then to UV Face Select, you can skip that and go straight onto the lower half of the screen, selecting UV/Image Editor (picture 2), hitting U on the keyboard and selecting unwrap.

Does that help at all??



Thank you so much for the tutorial. I used 3ds max 2009 and it worked like a charm with your tutorial. Step by step, very clear. Thank you really very much for putting it in such a easy to read tutorial.

I created a head in Zbrush, just with a simple primitive sphere, then move here and there, once I got the right shape, I went to a semi lower geometry and then exported it into modo for the UV layout. I didn’t use Blender. Once I got the basic UV done, export it again and back to ZB for sculpting and the rest you know already. :wink:

See attachment. Again, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!




hey cgicore! glad you found it useful :slight_smile: thanks for sharing your image with me, i would say you nailed the process! thanks for the support!

Thank you very much, this is just what I needed. I am having problems with exploding mesh, when I import uvmap.obj back in to zbrush. Tips anyone???