
4R6 won't launch


My Zbrush 4R6 stopped launching a few days ago. I can see Zbrush on the taskbar and the cursor shows that it is loading, but then it seems to just freeze. The program was working fine just a few days ago. I have tried uninstalling any updates or programs that have installed since the last time I used Zbrush, but it still won’t start. I am using Windows 8.1 on a desktop. Any help or suggestions? Thanks.

It sounds like one of the programs you installed overwrote your C++ libraries with something that isn’t compatible with ZBrush.

The solution is to go to your Windows Control Panel >> Remove a Program and uninstall all copies of Microsoft C++. You’ll probably see several! Then go to your ZBrush installation’s Troubleshoot Help folder and run the vcredist installers found there. This will reinstall the proper versions of your DLL’s again.

That should resolve the problem.

Thanks for the reply. I tried this, however, I am still having the same problem. There should have been 3 vcredist installers, right?

Can you provide more details to the problem?

Your system specs?
Stuff you have tried already?

Is your zbrush 4r6 updated(if not upgrade to the latest version)?
Did you try reinstalling zbrush?
What was the last thing you did? etc…

When I click to start Zbrush, its icon pops up on the taskbar and the mouse cursor switches to Zbrush’s loading icon. After a few seconds my computer makes the Windows asterisk sound and the mouse cursor becomes Windows loading icon. Zbrush is still visible on the taskbar, but when I click on it nothing happens. Task manager displays that the program is still working, but it never starts up and I’m forced to shut it down.

My desktop is running Windows 8.1 x64, uses an AMD FX-8320 8 core processor, an AMD Radeon HD 6450 gpu, and has 16 gigs of ram. Zbrush is updated to 4R6 P2. Since the last time it worked there has been one automatic Windows update, I installed a few games, and updated the display driver for my graphics card.

I tried undoing all of the mentioned updates and installs, and tried uninstalling and reinstalling the DLL’s as suggested, but there hasn’t been any change.

Go to 4R7. You know you want to :wink:

Yeah I decided to upgrade. Seems to be working so far :slight_smile:

I have the same launch problem, but with 4r7 p3.
I deleted the “temp” (inside windows) folder content, or something similar, I don’t remember exactly. And now my pc is acting weirdly, not allowing me to do simple zip folder, and most of all, zbrush won’t start.
I tried the described method here by removing all c++ librairies and reinstalling the zbrush ones, the problem is still here.
I’m just afraid that I would have to reinstall windows, which is such a pain.
Thank you for suggestions.

I am having this exact same problem. I have Win 8.1 x64 fx8350 8 core cpu 2x 7970 gpus 16 gig of ram. It had been a while since I used Zbrush. But it started this problems a while ago when I tried to launch it, exactly as you described Stranger. But I upgraded to 4r7 and it still does this. NO matter what version. I’m gonna try the uninstall/reinstall of the c++ libraries, hope it doesn’t brick anything else on my machine. I would really like a resolution to this issue. really frustrating. I have been in contact with support but the methods they instructed me to try have had no affect on the problem. Thanks in advance.