
3D Space Mouse support in ZCore?

hello there,

my old Space Navigator (small version of the 3D Space Mouse) does not work with ZBrush Core (but works perfectly with MODO and blender). Latest driver availible for this model is installed. I read, there is 3D mouse support in ZBrush and I wonder, if ZCore has this too?


Hello @Kayess

Space Mouse is only supported by ZBrush at the present time. ZBrushCore does not currently support it. I’m unable to comment on development plans for ZBrushCore.

Thank you!

Hello Spyndel,

maybe you can pass this on to the devs (3D Mouse support for Core)?

Adding the “Mask by Alpha” fnction would also be nice - but this works with UVs only, I guess…


Yes, without UV support, this feature would be of little use. You can assign any alpha to the masking brush to draw it out on the surface of a mesh with a stroke type like “DragRect”.

Feature requests should be submitted to Pixologic Support to ensure they receive consideration from the developers.

Thank you!