
3D layers doesn´t work anymore

I can’t go down in to my lower subdivs when using 3D layers. I have been able to do it in previous releases. How can I downgrade to 2019 update again? My whole workflow is dependet that the 3D layers work.

All it says now when trying to go down in subdivs:
Mesh geometry may not be modified while a layer is in recording mode.
Exit layer recording mode, or bake all layers, and try again.

The slider doesn’t work but the shortcut keys should. Could you try that?

We are working on a fix for this, but using the shortcut keys should get you through until it can be released.

Yes that will work for now, thanks!

The installers have been updated and this bug fixed. The best thing to do is to uninstall 2019.1, download a new installer from theMy Licenses page and then re-install.