
2016 Halloween Challenge?

Good Day ALL ZB’ers-

So I was wondering advance if we’ll have a Halloween thread this year? Last one, as far as I remember was in 2012…

Love to hear some opinions - and also like to get something started early rather than later.

Shoot some opinions and such back!! Thanks!!!

I don’t know… I never had the opportunity do join a challenge on ZbrushCentral, and I always miss the ones from the other forums like ArtStation… When I check the challeges are always near the end, and it’s not worth joining anymore…

That could be fun to resurrect the Halloween Challenge (resurrect —> Halloween… get it ? :D) But that would mean a lot of organisation…
Maybe an unofficial challenge, just for fun and glory could be cool to do ! That would interest me tho…

I agree with an unofficial thread. I just want to do it for the fun of it - let me see if I can get some of the people in the studio I work for interested as well. I’ll shoot out a post this week and try to get something started!


Yes, I’ll post something on the Zbrush Facebook Group too ! =)

I’ve asked the same thing for a couple of years now - not that I ever have time to enter anything anyway but it feels like it would be a great motivator. I wonder if the last couple of years have been a non-starter because it clashes with the summit, but that’s a bit earlier his time around so maybe this is up someone’s sleeve? Could do with confirmation one way or the other.

Last year I suggested a theme of a horror / comics mashup but it never went anywhere (possibly mainly my fault for not posting anything). We could use the movie list from the 2012 contest and mash up any character with any comic superhero or supervillain of our choosing? I think I still have dibs on ‘Kruegerine’ from last time. :cool:

That could be a great Idea, (even if I’m not very fond of comics style :lol:)

If you’ll all forgive me for being forward, I’ve just gone ahead and made one so we could have one started by Oct. 1st

If someone else had something more elaborate planned, or if I’m stepping on anyone’s toes in some other fashion, just let me know and I’ll take it down:
