
Visit Pixologic at SIGGRAPH 2010

…I wish i was there… sigh
so jealous of those who can attend :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry I don’t really follow… lol

What I’m saying is that you would need to purchase a license for one platform at the show special, and the second license for the other platform at the 50% discount off the regular price (as opposed to 50% off the show special price).

mutte696… don’t come to London instead of Siggraph!!! Dude, there weather is ALWAYS cr@p in London (well, except for 2 weeks before Wimbledon!) :laughing:

I’ve decided… I’m going to astrally project myself to the show … see you all there :bulb:small_orange_diamond:roll_eyes:

What about people that are just waiting for the upgrade to zb4, are there going to be any specials deals where we may take part in the special edition without having to go buy another license? Like if there is an art book or interview dvd is there a way to buy that seperately? I dunno what will be included but whatever extra options are, it would be nice to have the option of either upgrading to the special edition with some sort of discount cost, or have whats included available as a special package for those who already own zbrush.

I think you know what I am trying to say. :cool:

Tuned all the time.
I can’t go there is out of my range!
But I’m always with Pixologic on-line.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

is there the possibility of someone recording a vid of ZB4 at siggraph and putting it on the web? or do some streaming maybe ? Anyhoo, i think it will be a great presentation !

Bah!!! I wish you guys were at last years Siggraph. Hopefully I can afford next years Siggraph (without buying everything in the gift shop) and you will be there than.

why not have a live stream?

I came to Siggraph
I saw Zbrush 4
I purchased a copy!

I am now legit! :smiley:

Tell us about it man!!

I didn’t stay at their booth too long today. I’m going to spend more time there tomorrow. But what I did see, shadowbox is really cool, as you’ve already seen in the teaser video. the slice brushes look very handy. there’s a solo button to quickly view just one subtool, also another button, forget the name, that shows all the subtools spread out so you can see each one like an assembly. Rendering is vastly improved, and all the passes are saved when you render. Timeline on the camera will let us animate cameras instead of just using turntables. I didn’t see timeline used for anything else but I know it can be. (Timeline is animation). in window antialiasing eliminates the need to use AA1/2 to get a good looking window/render. Transparent materials, I didn’t hear much about as I was purchasing my copy while they were talking about it, but I saw them using it. I also asked one of the demonstrators if Painting Layers has been included, he said yes (better be true as this sold me on buying Zbrush after all these years).

I’m going back tomorrow, will likely spend more time at the Pixologic booth :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info, keep us upto date, very interesting so far. Can you get confirmation as to if its 64bit or not please? Its still gona be great even if its not, I still use other 32bit apps, athough iv got plenty of memory for Zbrush to make better use of. One problem I seem to run into currently is out of memoy crashes when pushing ZB hard for large maps.

Unfortunately my boss, who was paying for the trip and drove us out there, decided he needed to get back early and that we didn’t have enough time to go today. Sucks cause it was paid for, and I didn’t visit all the booths. So, I have no new information :frowning:

I do want 64 bit though :smiley: