
Vimal Kerketta- Sketchbook

yes mate! that’s the way!!!
ps: awesome render…

Thank you very much. Really appreciate your comment and very glad that you liked it. You are motivation to us. :D:D:D

Wow! I love it!! :+1:

Saw “The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug”. Really loved it so decided to do a Quick Caricature Sculpt Of “Bilbo Baggins”

Here is the video link for the face sculpt…did some stupid thing in the beginning so i have got only this part…




Both caricatures are awesome,specially like Bilbo Baggins.:+1:

Awesome sculpt!

cool!! really good work!!

nice job with bilbo

I like you work

Not only did I recognize the character from the thumbnail, but also I guessed it was the same artist as the Tyrion Lannister caricature. Your likenesses are fantastic!

The expression is so well done. I do some caricature myself, and I judge a likeness successful when I can look at it and hear the voice of the subject. I definitely hear Martin Freeman when I look at your Bilbo. The pose is also superbly evocative of the actor.

I really hope to see more of your excellent caricature work soon! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

You did an amazing job on Martin Freeman’s likeness !

Thanks @BhushanArekar , @vizso, @scottchen23, @Gedn, @ PengL, @Ouran

Thanks @SwampGhost, its an amazing compliment :slight_smile:

Michael Cera - Cari.jpg
Quick Caricature sculpt of Michael Cera. Used Adam Fisher’s Basemesh and matcaps by Zbro. Hope you guys like it

Michael Cera_cari_viewport.jpg
Viewport Screenshot

Software: Zbrush/Photoshop

Michael Cera Time Lapse Video



Michael Cera_cari_viewport.jpg

Michael Cera - Cari.jpg

haha! I recognized that Scott Pilgrim guy even in thumbnail! good job!

great… as usual… :slight_smile:

this. great piece!

Thanks @uber… Am glad its working that way too :slight_smile:
Thanks Renzart

Good work!!!

Haha, not very flattering perhaps, but I recognized him right away! I think you really nailed it. And thanks for the timelapse!

Thank you RJ the eccentric and Nagulov :slight_smile: