
Unleashed fury

just amazing concept and execution.
Congrats. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Your Character is great.
Your final image is very good.
But in my opinion, your character loose a lot of details. Too bad.
I’m not really fond of the orange eyes you made, I prefe the first eyes black and white.
The environement is beautifull.

That’s a great job.:+1:

Was the vegetation (particularly the ferns on the left) done in Photoshop, or is it 3D ( like Vue)? Terrific work! Thanx!

Hi to all…thanks much for your replys!! everything is 3D



beautiful work!!!



All I can say is WOW.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

More than amazed at this! Incredible! Well done!


Men,I wanna be like you, I really do, I think the day i can do something similar i will be a Master.!!Just like yourself
Thanks for sharing :smiley:

Awesome work. Just one question though, you show the zbrushed body model seperate from the arm. Did you sculpt the arm and body seperately and recombine them? How exactly did you manage to seamlessly combine two different zbrushed models?

Very very nice of course. This latest render is the best. I don’t like the fire coming out of the eyes. I don’t think it really adds anything to the overall look. Plus you already have fire on the sword, and some green effects coming of that lucky charm or whatever it is.

You don’t have to do this, but I might open his mouth and put a crazy " I just won a serious battle" expression on his face. Maybe have some stringy saliva coming off the teeth. I don’t know I feel he needs an expression.

That’s all, everything else is superb.

:o Your work is amazing, humerous, intriguing and gives a beginner sleepless nights. Now. Would you please also answer some of the desperate questions of some of the other strugglers? E.g. I had the impression that “Best” Render does more harm than good. At least in my tests. Thanks for letting us participate in your ongoing work.:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

hi ~! korea user…^^

Every time I look at it I am again amazed by your skills and the humor you show. I can imagine the fun you had by adding more and more crazy things to that creature.
Thanks for sharing it.!

Absolutely amazing work. . .excellent start for a first post.
Will wait with eager anticipation for your next ones. Would you be able to explain a bit of your workflow?

Keep em coming:grimacing: