
The Unseen Cost

great work!
-if war is the answer then the question must be pretty fraking stupid!

Interesting piece. Was the boy sculpted? With all the injures that have happened in the last 13 years of USA at war, I’d think there would be plenty of photos of injured children. Why the need to model one? I am asking out of curiosity not criticism.

BUSNISMANPATRIOT - I’m glad to spark up conversations of the problems with war
graphico - My one hope for this was that the emotion cam across
lingz57 - The was rendered with VRay in Maya
milivoj_popovic - :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
VoxelTron - Everything was modeled in Zbrush. I chose this subject matter because its different than Orcs and mechs(no offense to all the other talented artist). I deal with what type of stuff all day at work. Being able to have the viewer experience an emotion means a lot more to me.

Thx ZBrushers

The war is not over, but inside the human heads ! We are not talking about a war, and about the master. Brilliant technically done !
Genius !

Hey Kris, Its Hezzie from SCAD. Looks good man! Amazing, keep posting great work:)

I’m glad making this is also sparking conversation about war.

lingz57 - True words. Thx a lot
greenimation3d - Hezzie!!! Whats up bro!

Is it difficult to make render with vray after sculpting? Well done!

VRay is awesome. Once you get used to it, it becomes a breeze to setup shaders. Plus there are tons of tutorials around unlike some high end renders.