
Splash Zone - Artwork, doodles n WIPs

I’m blown away that “Bop” is done entirely in Zbrush! I’m sure there are some people who would love to see some hardsurface breakdowns… cough! :lol:

Stunning figures and clothing!


Splish Splash plouffe dans la zone a marco!

Outstanding work and amazing render:D

I unfortunately don’t have screenshots taken for a demonstration, but the trick is relatively simple:

  • Make a rough blocking of everything before starting to know your volumes.
  • You cut everything in pieces (some stuff that might even be model in one piece, I sometimes make them in many pieces)
  • Then the subtools that are in a position and/or orientation not suitable for sculpting, I put them in a more orthographic view (later I place them back where they belong, thanks to my blocking which acts like a ghost of my final model)
  • When working on armor, I try to use really shiny matcaps so I can see any imperfection
  • I TRY to do everything in a minimum of brush strokes to avoid an organic feel
  • All the small details and mostly done with alpha or mesh-insert (bolts, grooves, holes, etc) and most line/cavities are drawn with the Dam Standard and the Lazy mouse

It’s true that I use a couple of obscure and abstract techniques (pretty hard to explain too) but that represents 1% of my techniques and it’s mostly just ways to cut corners (figuratively speaking :P). 99% of my work is just the workflow explained above AND working your observation skills and artistic judgment.

Anyway, it’s a lot of work, but when you do a couple of character with that workflow, it becomes extremely fast and efficient!

Fantastic work! Thanks for sharing!

These are great sculpts and the renders look amazing in real-time! Could you post how you created the turntables and embedded them into your site?

Thanks for the great works of art!

Awesome work. I really like the creature with the tongue!

Proto715: Here the page where I found the information for the turntable script. You got everything you need right there!


It’s a little abstract to implement to your page is you don’t know coding (like me) but it’s not complicated in the end.

Wow thanks Marco, I really appreciate the response! This is the best way I’ve ever seen turntables presented and it’s especially cool that it’s meant to be implemented into a website. Now to dip my feet into coding!

Hey guys! Here’s a new model I did.

Entirely sculpted in Zbrush (like always!) and the hair was done with Fibermesh too (used Hair and Fur from Max to populated hair a little bit more too).













Very nice! An amazing thread, too, so much awesome stuff. There’s a lot to like about Leela, but let me put on my juvenile hat for a minute and say the chest drew my attention. Even though that shirt clings perhaps a bit too tightly, I’m still happy to see breasts with real weight to them. So many artists forget about gravity in that particular area.

But seriously, awesome skills!

Amazing as always Marco :slight_smile:

I just love to look of her glove and boots!

/Jonas Skoog

Yeah I agree about the breast, they really hang out there.
I like this version of Leela. Very oryginal aproach!

This is amazing! Love futurama and this is a great sculpt!

EYE like her! :+1: EYE really like her!

Thanks guys!

And thanks Webhead for an additional pun in my collection of Eye-pun :wink:

Awesome work! I actually really like how the breasts hang in that shirt! May I ask what this was rendered in?

Thanks man! The textured one are in Marmoset, the one with a solid color is in Keyshot