
shoot my Sketchbook!! 20110

tnk for kind words ^^…I still have much to learn, just look around to see how many other great artists fill the site with magnificent works…i like u anatomy study and I must say you’re doing great!

Nice works i really like halloween sculpts:+1:


another update for Doctor Doom…crit and comment are welcome!!^^

here the closeup of the mask^^

this is so amazing! keep going!!

You should print that out on a 3d printer, life sized, and sell them.

tnk man^^ glad u like it!!!.. your God Of Plagues is a real masterpiece!

starting the pose…this is a wip i have to adjust more part of the model and maybe this is not the best pose…i will made another pose i think…some advice?

Love the mask.

model complet…i post a fast render just to show the progress so not the final still

Awesome sketchbook mate!:+1:Really great work mate!
doctor doom turned out great, great pose and sculpting :slight_smile:
Looked at your portfolio and thats awesome too.:+1:
Looking forward seeing more art from you.
Cheers pappete,

yup! tnk for the kind word mate!!!I saw your work and I must say that you have great skills , i found intresting Will Smith and the last alien u do!!

Von Doom! One of my favorite villains. Really nice sculpt and good pose. Looking forward to the final render.

bella pappete!
TOP ROW anche per te!
dai, tutti in top row stavolta assieme a Danko!:smiley:
comunque, a parte gli scherzi, mi piace davvero moltissimo!
coglie proprio l’essenza del personaggio!
ops…i wanted to say that your model is very good!
it brings the real essence of that character!
this is a good challenge!:+1:

Sweet doom man, about time he got his props .:smiley: :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

hi again!..here my final entry for the “My superhero Portrait challenge” on charactersforum.com ( u all know danko on top row?will be difficult to win for me XD)…
I will introduce you Doctor Doom! …i made all inside zbrush except for the lowPoly base of the mask, i made various render pass in zbrush (tnk lightcap!) and done some post in photoshop

…hope u like it!

Excellent job on that Doctor Doom. Great pose and render too.


Great result! Love the composition/pose of the character too!

Amazing work on the composite! Great work:+1: