
She Hulk

Now with zbrush 4R 2b, i will never be hired as a modeling consultant, with kickass work like this.

This got to be the biggest ever posted image ever to land at zbc. :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:

Congrats pal looks amazing :slight_smile:

this is actually pretty awesome. Your progress is great I love the last character design, Ill have to say your first images weren’t strong but these last couple are really really coming along. If I had one anatomy critique that popped out immediately it would be how the bicep and shoulder connect in your character. At the moment your bicep at the top just looks like a tube.

Nonetheless this is great progress keep going! Great work.

Jutsu- Thanks, I wasn’t a big fan either until MVC 3 came out;) The hair took me me forever cause I basically had to teach myself Hairfarm.

Jake Rupert- Thanks dude, I know the Hulks blood is suppose to be green but I thought it was a better design choice to have her SSS back scatter red.

Freewaldo- Hahahahaha, The render took like an hour. I’m Glad you like it.

NickNitro- Thanks, I was not happy with the first images. Since this was my first attempt modeling a female I was not in the right mindset. Since I’m used to modeling guys I usually get away with certain details. This was a learning process and I want to say thanks to every one who commented.