
See BoBo run!

impressive sketches and works Brian,I’m a big fan of your works and Darksiders,keep posting more great works.:smiley:


very nice all. :+1:

You are fast,

you are furious

you are awesome

Insane skills you have sir! totally insipiring and loveeee the frankenstein and the last post! really love the texture and color pallette you used. Very cool thread and please keep them coming.


My website is old as dirt. It’s time to get some new stuff up there. After Darksiders II Ships, I’m going to wipe my old site (including all the old content) and put up all new stuff starting from the first Darksiders to present.

To help with this, I have a little project planned out. I’m going to make a series of avatars. Here is a WIP of the first one. This “Psyclops” is loosely based on a concept I did a few years back http://cghub.com/images/view/139230

This started as a cube and DynaMesh. I’ve retopo’d it and am now starting to detail the sculpt. I hope to have the sculpt done sometime this week.

Additionally, I recently did a LiveStream to help with the Darksiders II: Make a Weapon Contest hosted by Polycount.com

Here is the final sculpt shown in that stream:

  • BoBo

beautiful sculpt of the weapon man, really crisp man like the design a lot and really matches the style of darksiders!:+1:
Your new bust is great aswell, I am digging his shapes! Keep the great work!
All the best,

  • Kenny:)

Great work and thanks for sharing.
I´ve always been learning a lot from you!


Best regards,

Lovely. I like so much sculpture but also diggin this purple material a lot. Would it be too much if I ask you for it? Surely worth of trying :wink:

love your work bobo and i hope you´ll post more stuff in here :slight_smile:

oh and thanks for the livestream … waitn for the second part

Very nice stuff! :+1:

I like this a lot Bobo! Nice work with the weapon and monster! :+1:

amazing work!

Thanks everyone!

Here is the final sculpt:

Time to make the Game-res model…

  • BoBo

majorly badass, BoBo :smiley:

i like the modle, and the material ;D
What material is that ?

Please man, can you share that matcap? I LOVE it. At first I just liked it :wink:

good to see your latest stuff BoBo,looking forward to the game rez version :slight_smile:

I have the low poly mesh built and have started texturing it. Just blocking it in at the moment. Now to get into the details.


  • BoBo

Looking good.
I take it as a “NO” for the matcap? :wink: