
Scared Silly Entry by Matt Mitman


Nice!! You should did get this one done pretty fast considering when you entered. Like how it turned out, background sure helps give your character more umph. Only thing for me is something about the stool maybe the width of the seat showing or the perspective that the top is shown of the stool makes it seem oddly large compared to the pumpkin carver. Thanks for participating and sharing!! Keep em coming! :+1: :+1:

that’s a very cool pic indeed. wow how fast you did that. love the idea of it too.

Nice work

Cool character! Nice work.

Lovely. Colours work very well together and the characters pose is great.

Pete B

Decided to make a few last minute changes. Turned the head a bit more towards the camera, and scaled him up a bit since AngelJ was right, and the stool was dwarfing him a bit.


the graciousness, you said make sense very much

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