
Question: Is it able to skip inputing renaming in import layer function?

I’m using a plugin from a post about imporitng .obj file as layers. And I want to rename each layer automatically, but I haven’t found how to fill in new name. Can anyone help?

You need to use the “RenameSetNext” function from the ZFileUtils dynamic library. See here:

It seems not working, I was trying to import 12 obj in the folder and auto naming each layer.
And it only apply the last name, the others still ask me to enter new name

[Loop, 12,

       [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], "RenameSetNext", [Var, index]]




[IPress,Zplugin:Import Layers:Import]

You haven’t implemented the “RenameSetNext” function correctly. What the function does is tells ZBrush to use whatever string (name) you pass as the name to use for the next renaming operation. But you need to press the relevant button otherwise no naming takes place (as ZBrush doesn’t know what you want to rename). So every time you call “RenameSetNext” you need to follow it with [IPress, Tool:Layers:Rename].


I’m wondering will RenameSetNext work with import layers, since it may need to do more than 1 rename.