
New work

@Dan – thanks for the kind response! Need to get my feet wet into Zbrush again–since the last time I tried it was back when it was initially released and only tried it for about 2 hours or so–which means this time I need to devote more time haha. I didn’t have time at that time but hopefully it’s better now (time wise)! The whole program UI has changed so much ha.

And I love your new models especially the planar one and the hard surface mech one!! Those are so sick :).

Congrats to top row! No rush about replying I was just curious. I know that that is somewhat of a strange question anyway.

…mastery of sculpture! :wink:

I have been watching this thread all week, just wondering when Pixo would pull the trigger on your work for the top row. I knew it would get the nod the moment I read the first post! Great work, truly. Congratulations!

Those hard edges of the Razer concept
Such mastery
Nice! :smiley:

Fantastic! No words really!

Beautiful work!!!

Very clean sculpture and the design looks good, but would not be usable as an armature, doesnt seem to be able to move move of the limbs :wink:

hahahah… ye! you have gone far with your art, since then. good job. (-hope it’s not too late for me to catch up… heheh)
looking forward for more from you.


oh !! good job

thanks so much for making such great reference tools, I used them to do my character designs when I was a design student at University.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Too much mind-blowing !!! Very skillful work.Thanks for sharing.

This is some of the cleanest work I have ever seen on ZBC. It seems so real. Thanks.

Impressive artworks !!!

Especially, love the last :wink:

Marvelous !!! I like your ZBC work too much.

RintyAlam: Thankyou so much

krysalid: Cheers much appriciated

TonimaAkter: Thankyou!

TaposyRabeya: Cheers for the support!

shags: So glad they helped and thanks for the support! I hope to do more ref figures in the future.

sunwenyong007: Cheers man

vladrac: cheers man to answer your question, yeah this was for concept only.

Shawn: Thankyou so much

carver: hehhe thanks for watching man it means a lot!

Also thanks Pixo for supporting my work, and giving us the tools to create!!

great job …congratulations

Thanks a lot Dan, I’ve been using the anatomy study you did as reference for quite sometime now. Thanks for posting higher res images of them! Really great stuff!

Great work all over the place.

Dman3d: cheers man!

amvoelkl: Thanks I’m really pleased you are getting use from them, its great to hear they are helping people, thankyou

Jhon_Erick: Thankyou so much!