
Monsters, Mutants, and Madmen

Hey Bryan! Your cthulhu piece is amazing! I’m bummed we didn’t get to meet up during Siggraph, hopefully sometime soon. I’ve been wanting to take a stab at cthulhu because I rarely see a design that is scary, or even… cool looking. But you nailed it! Love it. Anyways, keep up the inspiring work sir :]

Ehren- Thanks!

koro- Thanks man.

KPtoons- I’m sorry I missed ya man! We need to hang out soon. I heard your demo was great Glad you like the sculpt. It’s such a fun subject matter, you really can’t go wrong.

Here is the final video on the character. I will post the last video on creating the boat and insert mesh brushes early this week.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/47428853" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/47428853">Cthulhu Rising Part 6</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/bryanwynia">Bryan Wynia</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Here is a quick design I did for a Capri Sun commercial. They ended up going in a different direction but it was a fun project.





Amazing freaking work!!!


Awesome design Bryan! Did you make a full body version too?

Yea I don’t see anything fruity about that model. Awesome sculpt.

Nice one!!!

The face looks intense, but the neck seems kinda too wide for him ;f
And how exactly was this supposed to be in the commercial ?;D

Nice alien! Capri Sun the juice? I want to see the commercial!:slight_smile:

Creepy cool! :slight_smile:

Love the Cthulhu.
Been working on one of my own: http://redbranchblog.blogspot.co.uk/#!/2012/07/completed-textures.html
Interesting to see another 3D interpretation


Thanks guys!

Storm- That project was a super fast turn around. I had just a few hours to do something.

Here are a few of the designs I did for Falling Skies season 2. Also, here is a look into creating the Crawlies as well…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm-jakxiRO0

Season 2 Spider Crawlies Render
Season 2 Crawlies Concept

Season 2 Alien render
Season 2 Alien concept




Awesome work Bryan! A few hours for that master piece?? Just awesome!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Beena fan of Falling skies and have to say nice work on the crawlies theyre uber creepy

Falling Skies work is great. Congrats!


Are you sure with the link for the video?
Doesn’t seem to be ok. It says “content denied for your country”? I live in France.

Anyway, great sculpt as always.

Totally inspiring as always! :+1:

Loving your works on this thread.
Those eyes really adds character to your alien

did you render those eyes out with bpr?

fantastic job my friend