
Lab Technician

heya did you render this all in Zbrush? how did you get the lighting effect inside the helmet?

Really great sculpt and concept. Iā€™m most impressed with his gear. You can really imagine how these parts fit together and feel functional, rather than bashed impractical bits. Good Job.

great work, thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

Big Fan of your work, Mike! - I swear, some of your design choices for your hard and organic surfaces are top notch, mate.

Walter White is in there somewhere. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

The design of the suit kicks so much arse! Unbelievable stuff.
Congrats !

Kicking assss as always, Mike! Every time: unique and inspiring!

Nice stuff. Love the style.

Big fan of ur work sir!
Its very inspiring to look at your work.
I copied your mech suit helmet design to practice zbrush hard surface modelling. Will be sharing it with you for ur feedback :slight_smile: