
Khaleesi:The throne is mine! Realtime character Unreal engine 4

First thanks :slight_smile:
For me Unreal is just so good for shading and post effect and it has its weak, like the some really high quality lighting still needed, I wouldn’t compare this to Keyshot, because Keyshot is not really realtime rendering,the lighting is so much higher quality than Unreal

The skin details are just blowing me away. How much of the skin detail is sculpted vs textured? Since this is based off a rather famous character I assume you were able to get some very high res photos to project a lot of the tiny details from

I got multiple layers of detail maps, so my base sculpt not that high actually

amazing!~ great work!~ I like it very much!~ top raw!~

Your skinshader looks serious.
On your first zBrush screenshot, one can see a lot of fiber subtools.
Even fine skin hair is seen there, which obviously didn’t make it into realtime…not now :wink:
Were fibermesh just used for first impression, or did you use it for further steps into realtime?

Thanks for shairing!

Thanks for the response!

Is there any chance we could get a higher resolution pic of the skin graph? It’s too low resolution atm to make much out.
Also, can we see some pics of the detail maps you’re using (watermarks and such are fine, just want to get a clear idea about the whole process) ?

Sorry for being greedy :stuck_out_tongue:
Have you done any tutorials before (paid or not)? Everything you make is just so outstanding.

Very impressive ! Still she looks a bit older than in the serie, maybe because of the skin details ? Maybe the lighting ? I don’t know for sure. Also the skin look too wet… other than that it’s really close to perfection

Hello Baolong,
Your piece inspires me so much in improving my skills to one day make a character with the same fidelity and level of detail as this one you have just made.
Anyway, amazing work. Just a curiosity, how long did it take you to work on her?
Gabriel Fronza

Stunning! Are you using 8k texture for the skin? It doesnt look like 4k at all. I wish you could tell more about your skin and eye shaders.

nice work mate

Excellent! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Excellent work!


Really really amazing and inspiring work!!! congrats!

absolutely deserved. brilliant work!!!

beautiful work.

:+1: very impressive ! nice work

Excellent job and the render is fantastic.
Her face is a little plump though.

Amazing. How do you do the hair and eye brows? Do you actually use the fibres in Zbrush to bake from? How do you go about doing that? Really clueless when it comes to hair.

Well done, so much to enjoy in this model, thanks for the share. Keep up the great work.:+1: