
Horus Guardian

How did you make the scales ???

Must be difficult to go to the bathroom with that armor :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing Work ! Foda.

The Ornaments only work with normals ? Must have displace to improve the ornaments ?

Awesome work, Tiago! I loved the shader and ornaments, just amazing! Congrats!

All of your work is awesome

this is insanely good! Awesome concept also. Thanks for the breakdown!

Amazing work, you managed to match the concept and bring it to the next level!

Where have you found such good material for medieval ornaments?
You extracted them from pictures or do you have a sort of library?

Beautiful! Can I ask how long you spent on this?

Great armour work. I’d just love to have a go at 3dprinting this. Only recently I discovered metal plating using electrolysis which would give amazing results but obviously not as good as your render :wink:

Great execution, good sir. Fine metallic detail. Tons of detail, but still not overdone. Well done!

really great detailing and overall execution

Really stunning work! :slight_smile:

such dexterity, you make it all look so easy! inspirational stuff:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

It’s so good that its make me cry :cry:

Amazing! Love it! Great job and congrats on the top row!

Thanks for the kind words guys.


  • Ive made just one scale, then distributed it manually all across the model. Gave some variation to each one after that.


  • Yes, a normal map was enough to this size ornament. I would use displacement for bigger ornaments.


  • I did both. It’s really hard to find the exactly ornament that u have in mind. I blended some pictures until I get something cool, then completed the texture with some hand painting. Hope that helps.

much deserved the top row Tiago…parabenss

Awesome!!! and congrats for Top-Row :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

and many thanks for the breakdown!

Amazing work, Tiago! :+1:
Well deserved top row.

Awesome man congrats :smiley:

Awesome work and textures! Thanks for the breakdowns! :slight_smile: