
Giger esque 3

“and Best Render is in many ways, still best”… Absolutely Mealea…
Although I’m doing a bunch of other things elsewhere in ZBrush,
I can’t help coming back to 2.5D once in a while.
Combined with ZappLink ( to PhotoShop ) Best Render makes for a mean Render engine.
Wish I could see more 2.5D in ZBC.
I miss the “old days” with Francesco Mai, Gutalin etc…
Made this image a couple of weeks ago (in 2.5D).



Whoa! Sure can get some interesting layered looking effects in 2.5d. Paleo3d.
Those Settings Mealea gave give tons more control now. I crashed my computer playing around.
PS anyone know the best way to position objects into a 2.5d composition using layers etc.
I have done this a fair bit but
Any tricks would be awesome.

Hi heres a new render of ship 10 done with Mealeas 2.5d render settings also using fog. Thanks Mealea.
Touched up and colored in PS.
Also I merged the two layers I created (Which looked all messed up) But I could do a depth grab to get an overall depth pass…otherwise I could only grab the active layer. ?
Cheers BFGNZ



Awesome model. I love scifi. I hope to produce and share some of my own scifi creations with ZBrushcore. Cheers.

That ship is 100% a flying ***** spaceship. That is all.

Thanks Beta!
I just loooove them ships.
Hey how to you put that link to your sketchbook / Portfolio?

The least I can say is that your work is very creativ, and that you radiate enthusiasm.

We all love HRG’s work and he is so powerful as an artist that he has opened the door to a Multiverse many others can explore further. This is nhot ‘copying a style’ but real creative exploration.

There are some good explorers of this world here on ZBC, and you are the latest one of them.


Thanks Erik, You are very kind.
Giger always permeates my creative thoughts…but Im not the only one.


There’s more!
You can render 2.5D in BPR and, believe it or not, KeyShot.
Marcus made one hell of an awesome plugin with the help of Francesco Mai:


Install that, draw in 2.5D, run the plugin and POOF 2.5D becomes 3D.
Now you can render it anywhere you want!

Settings>My Settings>Edit Signature

Hi Mealea. Yes I have used this plugin on occasion. I use it for background fill images. Like if I want some weird stuff happening behind a main model.
Thanks for the heads up. Havent got keyshot…bit price aint it?

Thanks mate! Ill try that out.

Thanks paleo3d. Too kind.

Hi all,
heres another ship.
I had good results splitting a basic poly grouped model at a good sub division level (4 million or so) into separate sub tools and giving them different displacement maps to suit. Base mesh must be sub divided before splitting to avoid edges shrinking back later when a higher rez is needed.
Also I used zlight cap at the end of my rendering to create a nice highlight from the sun. (Looks a bit flat without this wee trick I feel) Add the render to your alpha pallet, make it a selection and fill white into a new layer, adjust opacity etc.

Also I rendered with the mountains image as a background (Lights drop down) to get things looking right.
Cheers BFG.

I was going to compliment you by saying your ship was very Giger-esque, and then I noticed the title of the thread. Now I feel stupid.

Nice work, regardless!

Thanks Spyndel,
Ill take that.
yeah I really like the whole Giger-Alien thing. Cheers!:smiley:

nicely done :slight_smile:

Cheers Koray.

Here is the The Oracle.
Made this using 2.5D layers.
I did an alpha doc grab and used that in photoshop as a mask for some texturing.
Also used the alpha brush in 2.5d.
Cheers The BFG.

The Oracle.jpg