
FBX Export Scale

I’m bumping this topic again to try and solve the issues I am having with FBX files. I have managed to export FBX files to and from modo by saving out a FBX file from Modo 701 with the scale at default… it was a success and they were the same size when I did the export from ZBrush back into Modo… I also loaded up an FBX file from my Unity project and exported it using the FBX export, and it successfully scaled to the same size within Modo. The transpose reads the exact same size as my character in Unity 170.58cm

Now the new problem is trying to solve the scale issue from existing zbrush files to FBX… the models are STILL too small and I am forced to scale them up.

EDIT #2: So, if I change the export scale to 100, this seems to fix my issue, so now I have to be careful about how I model the characters and carefully export them. I model my characters to real world size and this is a workaround.

Another way you could do it is to import into ZBrush an FBX from Modo with something of the size you want (a cube would do). Then use that to scale your character correctly before export:

  1. Import the cube into ZBrush.
  2. Append your character to the cube as a subtool.
  3. Using Transpose, or Tool>Deformation>Size, scale the character until it’s the size you want.
  4. Delete the cube.
  5. Export the FBX to Modo.

If you do this after you’ve completed sculpting the character you will avoid any scale-related brush problems in ZBrush.

I can give that a shot, though usually I have about 10+ subtools on a model. Wasn’t there a button called Unify or something of that nature?