
Dream... ("Making Of" on Page 6)

amazing colors and great models! a wonderful piece of art! :smiley:


beautiful work!

love it :+1:

now thats nice and subtle…nothing too crazy in texture just good form and subtle color. Very Elegant.

This is just soooo amazing! Love the WIP thread - but as FooD said - didn’t have much luck understanding the russian for how u did the water - looks really awesome and I’m very curious as to your method. If you could give a brief explaination/breakdown of your method it would be greatly appreciated!

Awesome work man! Top notch sculpting and anatomy! Excellent composition and finish! Grats on the top row - well deserved!!!


Wow, this is so beautiful…and so artistic! :+1: :+1:

Flawless piece, I love it! Superb image and composition.
I could easily mistook it as a painting.

Really you have done a great job man… Very good composition. :+1:

great work man!!very beautiful :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

excellent Work :+1: it’s very beautiful

This is simply amazing is all I can say. wow!:o

beautiful work.i love it:+1:

Amazing work, i hope we will see some WIPs.

Wow… am speechless…

this is superb!

Nothing to crit, reminds me Boris Vallejo’s style, and I LOVE female forms beautifully rendered like this! Thank you!

PS. I can’t find any six stars mark, so I give only five :wink:

And my usual question: can you share us your skin settings ? :wink:

Nice colors. I like so much!! Great work!

Thats more like it, its where it should be, Top row.

really beautiful, nice work congratulation