
Disappointed with lack of interest in fixing clayPolish bug in Zbrush 2021.1.1

Hi Guys,

I lodged a ticket as a critical fault about claypolish surface offset been completely broken in 2021 a month ago and there seems to be little interest in communicating when a fix might be coming out?

An entire tool / function is broken, does no one care? I use the surface offset along with the claypolish settings in my daily workflow, now I can’t.

and to make it worst you no longer have 2020 available for download, so when I work offsite on a client machine I’m forced to use 2021.

I know I’m no mover and shaker here in the ZB masterhive, but I’ve been using ZBrush professionally for years and would appreciate some support.

All the new features are great, but please don’t turn into maya where the goal is to add “features” to cover up bugs.



Hello @johnchen

Sorry you’re having some trouble! :slightly_frowning_face: However, these are the community forums, populated with other users like yourself. If you’d like to communicate with the developers, the Pixologic Support site is the tool to do that with. This sort of post is wasted on people who don’t actually develop the program. If you contact support and make your case for why you need a legacy installer, perhaps they can assist you.

While the Clay Polish function seems to be working as expected for me, I’ll assume that since you have a Support Ticket in that you have documented a more specific issue with its use. If your issue has been investigated and actually found to be a bug, there could be any number of reasons why a fix hasn’t been issued yet. It may not have yet been solved, it may not have been solved in time to make it into the last patch, and it may simply not be a high enough priority compared to other issues. This would frankly be a much lower priority issue than the significant performance problems that needed to be addressed in the first patch, and that affected a much wider variety of users.

Not everyone has the same workflow, and different issues may impact users to different degrees. I wasn’t even aware of this problem. I’m sorry this particular problem is a drag for you.

But just to be clear, Pixologic Support is the place to go for

  1. Bugs and repeatable technical issues.

  2. Feedback or feature requests aimed at the developers.

The forums here are home to volunteer users that answer questions on the use of Zbrush to other users. They cannot help you with your problem, and communication aimed at the developers is likely to be missed by the people who actually develop the program.

Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you spyndel for the detailed reply, which was more then what I got from support unfortunately.

The bug was confirmed by support and I was told ‘it was passed onto the devs’ with no ‘certain time for a fix’

This bug relates to the “Surface” function, it no longer does a overall surface offset, and does some random thing, you can test this yourself.

I’m just surprised no one has picked this up yet, or during the beta.

I use this in my workflow all the time when doing a more controlled “polish”

I’m hoping someone from the Pixo team sees this and moves the issue further up the chain, this is not a ‘nice to have’ but rather ‘fix broken thing’.

Hi @johnchen!

Just wanted to give you the heads up that your issue is reported to be fixed in the newest update:

Good luck!