
Dinosaurs of Dinosaur Revolution

These are amazing and I hope to achieve this skill level with lots more practice.

Impressive models! Really great stuff!

Here are some color renders and snaps from the show. As I said above, I’m trying to credit where it is due, I hope I don’t leave anyone out! If so speak up!
Of course, the whole crew was managed by our multi-talented Special Fx Supervisor Douglas Martin at/and Creative Differences.

David Krentz












Awesome models!
Can you share some wisdom about how you modeled all those perfect scales?

Thanks for sharing!

Great work as always. I really enjoy the color choices. Thanks for sharing!

Love it all. Very nice work.

Hi David, I’ve enjoyed the series.
Loved “The Watering Hole” episode!!
You guys pulled out some superb dinosaur recreations all over the series. Congrats to all involved.
Would have been real pleasure to take part in something like this.

PS to admins: This should be turned into article and published on top row you guys!

I loved this show, i really liked that the director and writers were not afraid to have fun with the dinos and have a actual narrative instead of straight documentary style storytelling. Kudos for you all.
I have to admit that I literally was laughing out loud at parts and at others felt my heart strings being pulled.
I was so disappointed to see it was only a few episodes and not a whole series.
I also really liked the integration of the dino’s into real environments. Overall it was the best dino series i’ve ever seen. Thank you so much.
Even the creative license you took with the skull colors on the Rex’s was neat.
The models were of course wonderfully done and i recognized zbrush’s footprint in them, i was really glad to see it wasn’t all just bump/normal mapping too, also all the small touches that made them more realistic, did i say i loved it yet, lol.

Dave, et al… great work all around. You guys did an amazing job on these creatures, and I’m so happy that it’s finally the time for us to release them to the world, so everyone can take a peek behind the curtain of our process during the past couple of years! This material IS TOP ROW MATERIAL FOR SURE. What an amazing team with such great talent, and zbrush was an amazing tool to help get the job done.

Overall VFX Supervisor
Dinosaur Revolution

Stefano- I did the scales the hard way. Dragging alphas and them patching them with claybrushes. I’d hit them with the DamStandard to vary them. In larger area I’d hard sculpt them.

Damir- I am so glad you like the show, YOU were my audience! I’ve enjoyed your ‘speed dragons’ to no end. Great work. We need to work together in the future somehow.

Spaceboy- well, since I was also a director and a writer on the show I’d say “thanks” . We tried to make a show that was first and foremost entertaining with characters that you’d care about. The world is filled with serious dino-docs, there is room for other takes on the subject matter. That said, I still love serious dino-docs.

:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: jaw dropping, love it

Hey David,
Nice to see these beasts there.
It was a joy to work with you.

I’m waiting for my Dvd to ship at home to see them moving :wink:


Couldn’t get these to upload yesterday. Lets try again…




I would love to see a blog that shows us what steps you took to make this.

OK, how about this!!!


I will be hosting a preview workshop FOR FREE at Creature Workshops on Nov 10 at 10 AM Pacific Time ( california ) that will go over the same techniques I used for these dinos. Register at the above website. Hope to see you there!


Hey David just want to say I am a huge fan of yours and love all of your work on Dinosaur Revolution. I personally like the new take on the dinosaurs in the series because some personality is conveyed in them rather than just the mindless creatures we all know and love.

I couple years ago I purchased your Drawing Dinosaurs: Anatomy and Sketching DVD from the Gnomon website and I love all the details you go into about it.

I am a dinosaur fanatic and I am actually trying to create my own dinosaur. I took an attempt at it for my first serious sculpt in Zbrush and it actually came out pretty well. It was after that I finished it that I decided that the concept in itself could be pushed more as far as brutality and fear factor goes. I recently put together an inspiration sheet, but I can’t get the exact creature that I have in my head onto Zbrush. What could you recommend to help me out with creating my dream dino?

Also I was wanting to know if this workshop that you are doing is a live event only or if I can just view it at a later time. Hope to hear back from you soon. :slight_smile:

Really looking forward to this.

Totally impressive work. Just splendid. Thumbs up for such Dino-Awesomeness! :+1:

Tremendous work. I really appreciate you.
How can see breakdown or what ever for this character. Link is not working.

I really love topics like this. I study a lot of different revolutions, military, economic, fantastic and so on. Last thing I studied was industrial revolution, used https://phdessay.com/free-essays-on/industrial-revolution/ for that. This economic revolution has had a lot of impact. If we talk about dinosaurs, then for me this topic has not yet been disclosed. I’m trying to find as much information as possible.