
Dark Phoenix


Man you captured this moment brilliantly. So talented

Beautiful work! Congratulations with the Top Row :smiley:

I’m very glad you like it ,thanks all my friends

Amazing work! I’m a little confused by how you did the hair. I see you scultped a geo-based style, created hair cards with a brush and that’s where you lose me. Did you somehow use curves to create the fibers? did you paint the texture for the cards or use a seamless hair mesh? What’s being represented in the fourth image in the hair example?

Thanks in advance! again, amazing work.

After created the cards i conversion the polygons to subdiv than to the nurbs in maya,so you can have the curves after “duplicate surface curves”.

Great work!

very nice work, thanks for sharing workflow


Perfectly done! and also, 1000x better character design than Jean Grey In the old x-men movies :laughing:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1: