
Chez Restaurant (FiberMesh Tutorial Pg 2)

Amazing work and a really unique style.

finally something fresh!!! Great work

Thanks for the comments guys. i’m glad you enjoyed.:smiley:

cool stuff, I really like it.


i like the style … very well done !!

Interesting Style and its very hilarious! The sculpt of the characters made it funny and cool! Caricature style :smiley:

Sketchbook - http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?173520-Kenji-s-CG-Texturing-Work/page2
Blog - http://amazingbeggars.wordpress.com/
Reel - https://vimeo.com/54710483

wonderful!!! can you show me some samll texture of the character!

Pulp Fiction but different story. :smiley:

I loooooove it***65281;***65281;Its so amazed…

Amazing inspirational works, thanks for sharing

Really great job with the modeling, i would also like to know what you used to render out the final image and how did you do the texturing for the hair? Please share that with us.

Your work is SUPERB! :smiley:

wow simply wow
it is difficult beyond belief
to be original these days

guess it always has
and always will be

the vision is original
cheers to you

Great,keep it up

Incredible style and genuinely funny images. Loving the breakdowns as well.

so qute,weel work:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: